3 routines to get bigger triceps

When we talk about training for big arms, our attention usually goes to the biceps – they are the most visible and the easiest to show off. However, if you want really impressive arms, a triceps routine may be a better fit.

Located in the back of the arm, the triceps brachii is a large muscle in the arm and is involved in different movements: it supports the scapula, supports weight, helps to extend the arm and is responsible for that horseshoe shape that we all want to have. in our arms.

If you want to build big triceps , you need to know how this muscle is built and what movements train it best.

Mejores ejercicios para tríceps más grandes

General anatomy of the triceps

The triceps brachii is the largest muscle in the arm . It is located behind the biceps, at the back of the arm, and consists of three heads or joined portions (hence its name).

The three portions of the triceps are divided into a long, a medium, and a lateral. However, the most visible is the long head, which is why most people make the mistake of focusing only on it when training the triceps.

Together, the three heads of the triceps brachii attach to the elbow and meet at three different points on the scapula (long head) and the humerus (middle and lateral head).

The function of the triceps is to extend the elbow (moving the forearm away from the arm) and support the scapula when supporting and moving weight, as occurs when we do the barbell press behind the neck.

Cómo conseguir unos tríceps más grandes

How should the triceps be trained?

When we want to train the triceps, it is best to combine compound lifting exercises with exercises that work the triceps in isolation: the former will help give strength and size to the triceps and the muscles that surround it, while the latter will help define and give it a boost. better tone.

As for the recommended weight to train the triceps , it is necessary that it be challenging because it is a relatively large and very important muscle. This implies working with loads that go between 75% -85% of the personal 1RM, reaching a point where you feel that you are going to reach the technical failure of execution with 1-2 more repetitions. Likewise, the volume of weekly repetitions of triceps exercises that has been shown to be more effective according to different studies is about 60-70 repetitions, every 5-7 days.

Los mejores ejercicios para tríceps

3 routines to get great triceps

Starting from the basic principles to train the triceps that have been seen, we can design complete routines to work its extension and contraction functions with different movements that put its 3 portions to work.

To make them more effective, it is advisable to do a 5-minute warm-up beforehand to be able to work with heavy loads, which stimulate muscle overload due to progressive tension.

Las mejores rutinas para unos tríceps grandes

1. 1-day weekly triceps routine

1.1. Close grip barbell bench press

  1. Begin by lying on your back on a flat bench, holding a bar loaded with approximately 80% of your 1RM. The parting of the hands should be narrow, but comfortable (approximately shoulder width).
  2. Lower the bar in a very slight arc, until it is just below your nipples; the goal is for the elbows to bend forward, not sideways. Triceps, chest and shoulders should be activated.
  3. Raise the bar again and continue to complete 3 sets of 4-6 reps.

Las mejores rutinas de tríceps

1.2. Money

  1. Stand with your back to a flat bench, with the palms of your hands resting on the edge of it: the closer they are, the more the triceps will be worked, but do not overdo it if you are starting with this exercise.
  2. Your legs should be extended in front of you and your back should be straight. If possible, put a weight like a dumbbell or a disk on your thighs; if you do, you can rest your heels on another flat bench to balance the weight.
  3. Bend your elbows to lower your torso as much as you can. The movement should be slow, not explosive.
  4. Extend your arms again, feeling the pressure on your triceps.
  5. If you work without weight, do 3 sets going to failure each time; If you are working with a challenging weight, do 3 sets of 4-6 reps.

Ejercicios para tríceps más fuertes

1.3. One-Handed Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension

  1. Begin standing with your feet hip-width apart, back straight, and holding a dumbbell in one hand with your arm extended straight over your shoulder.
  2. Keeping the abdomen in tension, bend the arm back as straight as possible to lower the dumbbell: the movement is done by the forearm, the arm remains in place, barely giving out a little to support the movement.
  3. Return your arm to the starting position and do 3 sets of 8-10 reps with 75% of your 1RM.

Ejercicios para tríceps más eficaces

2. Triceps routine 2 days per week

2.1 Tuesday

  • Close-grip barbell bench press: 3 sets of 4-6 reps with 80% of your 1RM.
  • Weighted Dips: 3 sets of 4-6 reps with 80% of your 1RM.
  • One-Handed Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension: 3 sets of 8-10 reps with 75% of your 1RM.

2.2 Thursday

2.2.1 Barbell bench press
  1. Begin by lying on the flat bench, holding the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
  2. Lower the bar until it is below your nipples. Elbows may point slightly outward.
  3. Return to the starting position and do 3 sets of 4-6 reps with 80% of your 1RM.

Cómo entrenar el tríceps braquial

2.2.2 Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press

3 sets of 4-6 reps with 80% of your 1RM.

2.2.3 Low pulley triceps kick
  1. Start by standing in front of the pulley machine, holding the end of the low pulley with one hand. The legs should be bent and the torso should be bent, parallel to the ground.
  2. Keeping your arm parallel to the ground, extend your forearm behind you as far as you can, feeling the work on your triceps.
  3. Lower your forearm again, and continue until you complete 3 sets of 8-10 reps with 75% of your 1RM.

3. 3 days per week triceps routine

3.1 Monday

3.1.1 Bottoms with ballast

3 sets of 4-6 reps loading 80% of your 1RM.

3.1.2 Dumbbell bench press
  1. Lie on the flat bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip (hands facing each other).
  2. Bend your arms to lower the dumbbells to chest level.
  3. Extend your arms again and repeat for 3 sets of 4-6 reps with 80% of your 1RM.

Rutinas para fortalecer los tríceps

3.1.3 Dumbbell Skull Breakers
  1. Lie on your back on the flat bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip (palms facing each other). The arms should be perpendicular to the ground.
  2. Keeping your elbows fixed, bend your forearms to slowly drop the dumbbells to the sides of your head.
  3. Extend your arms again and repeat for 3 sets of 8-10 reps with 75% of your 1RM.

3.2. Wednesday

3.2.1 Dumbbell Overhead Shoulder Press
  1. Stand up straight, holding a pair of dumbbells in each hand at shoulder height, with a neutral grip.
  2. Without sagging too far to the sides with your elbows, extend your arms bringing the dumbbells up, in a straight line with your shoulders.
  3. Lower your arms back to the starting position and repeat for 3 sets of 4-6 reps with 80% of your 1RM.

3.2.2 One-Handed Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension

Do 3 sets of 8-10 reps with 75% of your 1RM.

3.2.3 Close grip push-up
  1. Lie on your stomach in a high plank position, with your hands slightly less than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend your arms until they are parallel to the ground, keeping your elbows close to your body at all times.
  3. Re-extend your arms and continue for 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

Ejercicios para hacer los tríceps más fuertes

3.3 Friday

  • Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 4-6 reps with 80% of your 1RM.
  • Weighted Dips: 3 sets of 4-6 reps with 80% of your 1RM.
  • Overhead One-Handed Dumbbell Tricep Extension: 3 sets of 5-10 reps with 75% of your 1RM.


  • Matthews, M. The 6 Best Triceps Workouts for Bigger, Stronger Arms. For Legion Athletics. [Revised September 2018]