3 exercises to improve hip dysplasia

Imagine your hip joint as a cup that fits over a ball on a stick. The ball can rotate around the cup to facilitate movement; in the case of the hip joint, movements such as walking and kicking. If you experience hip dysplasia, the hip socket, the cup, does not completely cover the ball-shaped attachment of the leg. Hip dysplasia puts extra pressure on the hip joint and can lead to symptoms of pain and arthritis. To minimize these symptoms, you can perform exercises to restore range of motion.

The best exercises to improve hip dysplasia

Hip abduction

mujer haciendo ejercicios para mejorar la displasia de cadera

Hip abduction exercises involve lifting the leg out of the body. This strengthens the muscles that act on the hips to provide greater stability and strength. Wrap a resistance band around your ankles and point your right foot to the side. Slowly raise the leg at your side as high as you can without pain; don't push to the point of muscle tension. Hold for three to five seconds, then lower your leg. Repeat 10 times, then go down to rest for 30 seconds. Switch to your opposite leg and repeat the exercise.

Lying hip stretch

Lie on your back with your legs extended. Gently pull your knee toward your torso, wrapping your arms around the knee for support. Try to keep your left leg as straight as possible. Hold this stretch for 15 to 30 seconds, then release your knee. Repeat pulling your left leg toward your chest. Complete the exercise by repeating three times on each leg.

Side leg raises

This exercise consists of rotating the leg and lifting it to work the internal muscles of the hip. Roll your toes out so that your feet are facing each other. Slowly lift your left leg up, bending your knee. Don't raise your leg higher than hip height. Hold at the highest point you can comfortably stretch for three to five seconds, then lower your leg to the ground. Repeat eight to 10 times, then do the same with the opposite leg.

Exercises to avoid

Although cardiovascular exercises like swimming and walking can help you maintain your weight and challenge your heart and lungs, other exercises can be too difficult for people with hip dysplasia. These include running and impact sports, such as soccer. Other exercises, such as rowing, playing tennis, or cycling , should also be done in moderation because they put some stress on the hip joints.