2 exercises to deal with persistent wrist pain

Wrist pain is usually caused by a wide variety of problems. The most common are sudden trauma after a fall, arthritis or osteoarthritis, fluid-filled sacs or ganglion cysts, carpal tunnel syndrome, and sports or work activities that require repetitive movements. Fortunately, there are light stretches that not only add stability to the wrist, but can significantly reduce pain in that area.

Discover 2 exercises to end persistent wrist pain .

Ejercicios para acabar con el dolor persistente en la muñeca

2 exercises to deal with wrist pain

1. Gentle stretching of range of motion

Gentle stretches focused on range of motion reduce stiffness, pain, and swelling in the wrist area. Likewise, they are very useful if symptoms of osteoarthritis have been detected.

Follow these instructions to run the exercise:

  1. Sit with your forearm resting on the arm of the chair and let your hand and wrist hang from the end. If you prefer, you can roll up a small towel and place it under your forearm to make it more comfortable.
  2. Begin moving your hand down until you feel a slight stretch at the top of your wrist. Hold that position for 5-10 seconds and do 10 reps.
  3. Subsequently, reverse the movement by placing your hand up and stretching until you feel pressure on the lower part of your wrist.
  4. Hold for 5-10 seconds and complete 10 reps.

Do the stretches 3 times a day in each direction. Also, when the pain begins to subside, you can add a little pressure with your other hand to increase the range of stretch.

2 ejercicios para lidiar con el dolor de muñeca

2. Resistance band exercise

Resistance bands are not only easy to use for exercising a sore wrist , but they also add stability and strength to the area without straining the joint. They are especially recommended for people with arthritic wrists or tendinitis.

To do this exercise with a resistance band, do the following:

  1. Sit with your arm resting on your leg and your palm hanging down from the end of your knee. Secure the resistance band under your foot and hold it at the other end.
  2. Keep in mind that the band should be tight enough to provide a moderate amount of resistance, but loose enough to allow range of motion.
  3. Slowly move your wrist up and then down.
  4. After completing 3 sets of 10, flip your arm over and repeat the exercise with your palm up.
  5. Do the exercise in both directions 3 times a week.

When to go to the doctor for a wrist pain?

Exercising can usually ease wrist pain . However, there are cases where there is no improvement and it is necessary to visit the doctor.

Some wrist problems may require simple additional treatments; like resting, raising the arm or modifying the workspace; while others require prescription drugs, anti-inflammatory injections, or attending physical therapy sessions.

¿Cuándo ir al médico por un dolor de muñeca?


To soothe persistent wrist pain , consider gentle stretches focused on range of motion and resistance band exercises. In case the pain worsens or does not improve, visit the doctor, as additional treatments may be necessary.


  • Petrie, T. 3 Gentle Exercises for Nagging Wrist Pain. For Livestrong. [Revised November 2019]