12 healthy vegan breakfasts

Breakfast is the most vital meal of the day. According to nutritionists and doctors, this meal is the most important of the day, in which people obtain energy and vitamins that will serve them for the rest of the day.

Among the benefits of a good breakfast we have:

  • Get your metabolism going.
  • Better regulate your body weight.
  • Reduce the risk of strokes
  • Obtain greater mental and physical performance.

Therefore, it is important to choose a breakfast that is healthy and balanced. In this sense, we will present you 12 healthy vegan breakfasts , which you can not only use in the morning, but you can also eat as a snack if you wish.

12 healthy vegan breakfasts

1. Chocolate, mint and hemp smoothie

If you are a fan of chocolate and mint, get ready for an irresistible recipe. This shake has 487 calories and does not contain ice cream or other dairy ingredients. For its preparation you must liquefy the chocolate, hemp seed and mint.

The creaminess of the shake comes from the hemp seed and the dessert flavor is given by cocoa or chocolate powder and fresh mint leaves, you can also add vanilla extract.

Hemp seeds help to spice up the smoothie, as it contains protein, omega-3s and amino acids among others.

Batido de chocolate y menta

2. Cocoa and raspberry pancakes

These vegetarian pancakes contain 309 calories and are based on wheat pastry flour, cocoa powder and chia seeds, foods rich in fiber as well as being good antioxidants for your body. With a rich raspberry dressing, which adds even more fiber and a little vitamin C.

It is possible that at the time of serving it you want to double or triple the raspberry filling, do not worry, remember that it is not necessary to skimp on breakfast.

Tortitas con mermelada de frambuesas

3. Mexican meatless wrap

Mexican food is not only reserved for lunch or dinner; It’s also a great option for your breakfast, and don’t worry, it doesn’t necessarily have to be spicy.

For this breakfast, you’re going to fill the whole grain tortillas with a seasoned mix of sauteed organic firm tofu, chives, pico de gallo, and black beans. The combination of fiber and protein is really filling. In addition, you can add more flavor, incorporating a delicious avocado cream. You only have to wrap everything with the tortilla and it will be ready to eat.

To combine you can, prepare a papaya juice. This breakfast contains 422 calories.

Wrap sin carne a la mexicana

4. French toast with peanut butter and blackberry syrup

To prepare this 429-calorie breakfast , you must have a toasted sandwich, spread with peanut butter and syrupy fruit jam.

Tostadas francesas con cacahuate y frambuesas

5. Sweet potato croquettes with spicy tempeh

When we have a dish whose base is potatoes, it is usually served with a greasy garnish, but there are infinite ways to serve a mince without using fat. We will present you a healthy and creative 261 calorie version of sweet potatoes .

Chop the sweet potatoes and sauté them with olive oil, along with the red pepper, a jalapeño, chives, garlic, and rosemary. Tempeh is the protein of vegetable origin that will accompany your plate. Chop it into squares and sauté it along with the other ingredients. Add a splash of apple cider vinegar.

Croquetas de patatas, rico desayuno vegano

6. Egg salad on whole wheat rye bun

A healthy way to enjoy a whole wheat rye muffin is with a rich egg salad. To make this tempting recipe rich in nutrients, you must prepare the egg salad, with organic tofu rich in protein and give it a creamier touch by adding vegetarian mayonnaise , Dijon mustard, green onion, tarragon, jicama and spices.

This recipe contains 235 calories. To cut down on so many carbs, cut your muffin in half.

Huevos revueltos con pan integral

7. Bowl of Oatmeal with Quinoa, Creamy Coconut and Peaches

Cook the oatmeal with the quinoa for a tempting texture. you can add coconut in any of its forms: coconut sugar, oil, coconut milk, etc. Once cooked add pieces of peach.

This dish is very beneficial for your body since the sugar contained in coconut has a better impact on the blood, due to its low glycemic index. This recipe has a total of 378 calories.

Avena con quinoa y melocotones

8. Sandwich with “portobello”

The portobello sandwich contains 350 calories, is an excellent solution for breakfast, as well as being super quick to prepare.

It is a very natural and delicious dish. To prepare it you must toast your bread preferably whole grain and add creamy cashew soy cheese, crunchy onion, arugula and a portobello mushroom, which you must previously char. The taste of the mushroom will surprise you by adding smoked paprika to it.

Sandwich con portobello

9. Scrambled tofu

To start this 350 calorie recipe, you must chop the organic tofu into cubes and sauté it in olive oil along with the sea salt and turmeric. Next, chickpeas and vegetables are added, incorporating sesame seeds, harissa sauce and whole grain pita chips. This food is inspired by the Middle East, and is known as scrambled tofu.

Curcumin , is an earthy spice, has anti-inflammatory effects, so its consumption can play a beneficial role in the prevention of inflammatory diseases.

Desayuno saludable al estilo vegano

10. Banana-chia pudding with cocoa beans and nuts

A delicious 420 calorie breakfast to start your day. To make the pudding, you can mix banana, coconut milk, chia seeds, coconut nectar, vanilla extract, and a pinch of sea salt. When you have the pudding, refrigerate it (for this it is recommended to do it at night so that the next morning it is fresh and ready for breakfast). Serve it and add the cocoa beans and nuts.

Pudin de chia con frutos secos

11. Green toast

For this 400 calorie recipe you need whole wheat bread, avocado, and some sprouts like soybeans, roasted pistachio, rosemary, and basil.

Make a paste with the avocado, which you will spread on your whole wheat bread, and decorate it with the pistachios and soybeans. Flavor it with rosemary and basil. As you can see, it is a plate full of proteins of vegetable origin.

Tostadas veganas

12. Tuscan ribollita style oatmeal

Ribollita is a classic soup, similar to a stew, made in the Tuscan style. It is prepared with white beans, vegetables and leftover bread. However, we know soup for breakfast can sound a bit strange, so you can make it with ribollita-style oatmeal.

Oatmeal, along with bread and beans, will provide you with a significant amount of soluble fiber, which can be helpful in managing blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Best of all, you will have the essence of the taste of Tuscan cuisine.

Avena al estilo toscano


  • Jackie Newgent, RDN, CDN. 12 Vegan Breakfasts That Everyone Will Love. For Livestrong [Revised April 2016]