11 health benefits of ginger that have been revealed

The benefits of ginger are quite numerous not only as a spice, its therapeutic properties have made its use spread to treat certain types of ailments, so today we are going to mention some of the therapeutic properties of ginger.

Ginger benefits: a healing root

The health benefits of ginger are numerous, Galen who was a renowned doctor of ancient Greece used it as a medicine to treat some tumors, in the same way it was used in the Persian culture to treat problems of sexual impotence . The therapeutic effect of ginger is due to one of its compounds known as gingerols, which are attributed anti-inflammatory and antioxidant powers. At present it is used for its more than 40 therapeutic actions, among which are; antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, etc. To know how miraculous ginger is for health, we are going to mention its eleven benefits.

Helps to lose weight

cómo adelgazar con jengibre

The substances in ginger have been shown to be very good for accelerating metabolism because they increase body thermogenesis, which is why it is not uncommon to see ginger tea as one of the most recommended infusions to lose weight.

Has antioxidant power

Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation are two of the causes of premature aging. If we add to this the increase in age, they become high risk factors for developing Alzheimer’s .

According to animal studies on the bioactive compounds in ginger, they showed that they are capable of preventing inflammatory responses in the brain. In people, it could be shown that ginger extract is capable of improving brain function, something that was reflected in memory capacity and response time. In conclusion, it can be said that one of the benefits of ginger is to serve as a protector of brain functions against aging.

Helps lower cholesterol levels

The type of diet is a determining factor in raising LDL cholesterol levels. These levels are the ones that are directly related to problems in heart function. Ginger is a food that has proven to be a great ally to lower these levels, because according to studies carried out on people it was possible to compare that after consuming 3 grams of ginger powder for 45 days, people obtained a reduction in the LDL levels . A study that tried to demonstrate the same was carried out in hypothyroid rats in which the extract obtained a reduction in LDL cholesterol, very similar to that obtained with the taking of the drug atorvastatin.


The anticancer properties of ginger correspond to the substance 6-gingerol. A substance that is best used in the raw stem. According to some findings, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power of ginger helps prevent tumor formation because it counteracts inflammation in the body. Although there is still more evidence to confirm it as an anticancer, it has already begun to be used in an alternative way with treatments to fight cancer.

Hopefully the day is not far off when it is said that one of the benefits of ginger is curing cancer.

Improves digestion

cómo mejorar la digestión

The delay in gastric emptying is one of the factors most related to digestion problems. Fortunately, the ginger root is assigned the power to accelerate this emptying, something very beneficial for people with poor digestion or dyspepsia. To enjoy this benefit, it is recommended to take its infusion before meals.

Relief of menstrual cramps

For some women the arrival of menstruation can be very painful, these pains can be so strong that they even have to resort to medication with ibuprofen to relieve the pain, what sometimes they do not know is that ginger is the natural treatment for these pains , which can even be as effective as the use of the drug. What is advised is to take the extract during the first days of the period.

Treatment for nausea

The use of ginger is popularly linked to the treatment of nausea; due to movement, chemotherapy and pregnancy , although for the latter it is advisable to be careful with the amount because it can be abortive, although there is still no evidence that this is the case. It is also recommended for indigestion nausea because, as mentioned above, it accelerates gastric emptying and helps to relax the intestines.

Reduce pain

aliviar el dolor

Ginger has been indicated as a great treatment to reduce muscle pain caused by sports and exercise, this is due to its great anti-inflammatory action. To alleviate these pains, its essential oil is used by applying it on the painful joint. Ginger is also used to relieve migraine-related headaches, its results may be similar to those of medication, but minus its side effects.

Ginger is also being used to relieve pain caused by osteoarthritis. A very common health problem in which the joints degenerate, causing a lot of pain and stiffness. Tests carried out on people with this condition showed that those who used ginger topically needed less medication to reduce pain.

There are other studies that indicate that adding ginger compounds to certain medications used for asthma, help to enhance the bronchodilator effect.

Powerful sugar regulator

The use of ginger seems to have a preventive effect on diabetes. There is some evidence that shows that the consumption of this stem in people with diabetes allows to keep sugar levels under control, in the same way there was a significant reduction in triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels, something that looks very positive if you have it in which states that patients with type II diabetes are at high risk for coronary heart disease.

These are very new studies being done on the benefits of ginger, so more results are expected on this benefit.

Strengthens the immune system

Gingerol is the active ingredient in ginger that helps prevent infections, this can be used more efficiently by consuming the fresh stem, thus enhancing its antibacterial power that helps inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that are harmful to health . Its antiviral action is also used to relieve flu and respiratory infections.

Inhibits the growth of Helicobacter Pylori

quitar la gastritis

Among the different causes that cause gastritis we find Helicobacter Pylori. This is a bacteria that damages the stomach lining, causing; ulcers, gastritis problems and major complications such as stomach cancer . To help eliminate the bacteria, ginger can be used, as its antibacterial components make it one of the most effective treatments to eliminate the bacteria and inhibit the growth of its strains.

How the root should be consumed

Before you start consuming it to treat a serious problem, you should consult a professional so that he can guide you about the amount, so that you will be sure to take the indicated dose that will benefit you . As a slimming agent, it can be taken as an infusion, placing a piece of the grated root in a cup of hot water with a few drops of lemon.

The use of ginger is so wide that it can already be found in extract powder and oil, so it is easier for you to choose it according to the use that you are going to give it.