10 foods you thought were healthy but aren't

In the world of healthy eating there are different options, and there are so many that at first you don’t know where to start. Words like “fat-free” or “gluten-free” are attractive when making a decision, but not all foods that you think are a healthy option for your body are.

Some of these options can cause your body to do the opposite of what you expect. As an example of this, we present you 10 supposedly healthy foods that really are not .

Alimentos considerados como saludables que no lo son

10 supposedly healthy foods that aren’t

1. Yogurt ice cream with additional toppings

Yogurt is a healthy option , but these yogurt ice creams in the form in which they are commercially presented come with different toppings such as chocolates, sweets and syrups, among others, which make them a not so healthy food although at first they seem like it.

One solution to this is to control the portions and the covers that you put on your yogurt ice cream in order to truly enjoy a rich and healthy dessert.El yogur con cubiertas no es saludable

2. Energy bars

Energy bars are mostly made up of large amounts of fructose, corn syrup, sugar, and saturated fat, plus other synthetic ingredients, making a single bar contain up to more than 350 calories.¿Las barritas energéticas son saludables?

3. Store bought smoothies

In principle, they were born with a healthy intention, since they are composed of a base of fruit, yogurt and low-fat dairy products. The problem is actually in the portions that are served in the stores and the additives like ice cream, syrups and added sugar, which results in a shake with a number of calories between 500 to 600.Los batidos que se venden comercialmente no son saludables

4. Meals labeled “fat-free”

Just because something is fat-free doesn’t always mean it’s healthy . Many of the foods labeled under this name contain large amounts of sugar, sodium, and thickeners, all of which are bad for your health. Therefore, when buying food you should look at its general composition more than the fats it has.¿Las comidas libres de grasa son saludables?

5. Sports drinks

These drinks are aimed more at people who practice intense training routines due to their high electrolyte content, containing up to 125 calories and approximately 15 grams of sugar per bottle. Therefore, if you are not doing intense exercise, you should avoid them.¿Las bebidas deportivas son saludables?

6. Granola

Although the muesli appears to be made from healthy ingredients, all of these cereals are dipped in honey, sugar, and baked in oil to create a crunchy texture, which makes this dish approximately 600 calories and 20 grams of sugar, and that’s without added. ingredients such as chocolates or toasted almonds, which is very common when serving this dish.¿El muesli es saludable?

7. Diet sodas

Diet soda is calorie-free, but it’s not really confirmed if it helps you lose weight. Some believe that it increases the desire to consume sweets, something like a vicious cycle.¿Los refrescos light son saludables?

8. Prepared chicken or tuna salads

Although they carry the word salads in their name, this does not necessarily make them healthy. These types of salads contain large amounts of fat, calories and a high content of oil and mayonnaise.¿Son saludables las ensaladas preparadas de atún o pollo?

9. Foods labeled “high in fiber”

The problem with these foods is not the fiber they contain, but rather that it does not come from natural sources (grains, fruits, vegetables …), so their health benefits are not the same.¿Los alimentos etiquetados como "altos en fibra" son saludables?

10. Low-fat peanut butter

This product actually contains the same calories as regular peanut butter, but with considerably more sugar and without the monosaturated fats that are considered good.
¿Es saludable la mantequilla de cacahuete baja en grasa ?


As you can see, not everything that looks healthy is. Now that you know about some of these foods that you thought were healthy but really aren’t, you’ll think better of it when making your choices when it comes to buying food products.


  • Brooking, K. 21 Foods That Sound Healthy, But Are Not! For Livestrong. [Revised November 2017]