You can improve your concentration with these tips

Concentration is something that we all want and need, but that very few of us have. It is a capacity that can be innate when the activity interests us and that we can also develop little by little with a series of tips and exercises, which is what we are here to explain today.

If we feel that we lose concentration very easily, we are nervous, we cannot finish anything on time, we are always in a hurry and so on, it could be a good idea to follow the tips and tricks that we are going to give below and if we see that that does not arise, we may be suffering from some type of disorder or problem caused by stress or anxiety. In that case, it is best to put yourself in the hands of a specialist such as a psychologist.

There are different ways to be able to concentrate for a certain time, there are also exercises to develop concentration, and these are the ones that require the most time, since staying focused on tasks is a habit that not everyone is capable of achieving.

There is a very simple trick that is to eat, but eat healthy things, such as mandarin, a cut apple, banana, zucchini chips, etc. Things that motivate us to stay in front of that task until we finish it. And we say motivate, because not all the obligations of our day to day we like, motivate us and excite us.

When we like the task, we usually do it without question and almost without getting lost, but even when doing something we like we lose concentration is when we have to pull these tricks or go to a psychologist to detect the basis of the problem.

Tips to improve concentration

Recovering lost concentration, improving the one we already have or having a minimum of concentration, is not an easy task, so we are going to give some quick tips to achieve it.

Un hombre trabajando la concentración en su casa

Be to one thing

It is essential to be only aware of one thing, not all of us serve to be to several things at the same time, and it is not good either. Being around various things increases stress and anxiety levels , causing the brain to lock up and require longer and shorter breaks.

Being only one task helps us focus on it and give 100% of ourselves. We know that sometimes we have to finish a task, make food, take the dog out and take care of another person, but it is best to be alone with one task, and in the case in which we have several, we do it in the same way, one by one.

Work without music

Music deconcentrates, depending on the type of music, of course. There are playlists to concentrate on, and sometimes they work, but it is best to work in silence. If we prefer to have background noise such as music, radio, TV, etc. We have to put it away from us, that it is something that really makes us happy and we like it and in a very low volume.

There are those who concentrate with music, but if we have concentration problems, one of the distractions is music. We can also try different types of music , just as some help us to work or study. As a personal advice, there was a time when I used lazy techno music to study, then it no longer served me, but during college there were times that it did help.

Avoid distractions

All distractions must be outside, from the mobile, to the window, the cat who decides to sit on the desk, the nephew running down the hall and the neighbor moving furniture. There are things that we can solve, such as the nephew, the cat, the mobile and others, but others that we cannot, so we will try to get rid of those that can.

Mobile phones and tablets are the main culprits of procrastination , so we could use the pomodoro method or an app so that the device locks and we cannot use it until the end of work time.

Putting little challenges on ourselves

Small challenges help a lot, and with challenges we mean, for example, if we finish a topic, go for a 30-minute walk and come home , or eat a chocolate bar, gossip on Instagram, etc. They are small challenges that can help us focus on a specific task during a specific period of time, knowing that afterwards there will be a good reward.

We can also set time challenges, that is, try to finish an activity in 15 minutes, or memorize some formulas in 10 minutes, fill out the Excel in 20 minutes, etc.

Una mujer estirando

Do sports

Sport is the salvation to almost all problems. If we have stress or anxiety, we play sports; if we are bored, we play sports; If we want to improve our health, we do sports, and so on.

There are hundreds of exercises that can help us, since when we perform we accelerate the heart rate, improve circulation and oxygenation of the body and especially of the brain. We can learn a choreography, do squats , go up and down stairs, do balance exercises.

Use homework breaks

In the case of having several pending things, we can create stretches of maximum concentration and stretches of rest , and take advantage of that to air the mind by doing other activities such as folding clothes, walking the dog, going for bread, answering emails, preparing food. , call a family member, etc.

The breaks are not synonymous with throwing ourselves on the couch for 15 minutes, but giving the brain a break. The simple fact of folding the clothes listening to our favorite songs, the brain will rest much more than if we are on the sofa sliding Reels from Instagram.

Take breaths or meditation

Control the breath, stay calm, listen to our heart, meditate, put the mind blank, relax the whole body, accompany aromatherapy, etc. it can help us to concentrate more and better in front of a task that we have in front of us.

On YouTube, there are many videos for breathing and guided meditation. And even smart bracelets and smart watches also take guided breaths to relax us and even have tips and guides for meditation.

The downside of this trick is that doing it one day is not going to help us, it must be a daily habit that we assimilate and that the body is already used to. That is why we have put it at the end, because it is very useful, but it requires new habits.