Why shouldn't you drink Coca-Cola for breakfast?

Let’s go where we go and with whoever accompanies us, rare is the place where we do not see who eats accompanying those foods with a Coca-Cola. Well, apart from lunches and dinners, there are those who accompany their breakfasts and brunch with this same sugary and carbonated drink. We are going to explain why you should never do this, apart from remembering why it is such a bad idea to drink this type of soft drink …

Normally when we lift them we have between 6 and 10 hours on an empty stomach, so we must be very careful with which food we eat first. Although it may seem crazy to some, there are those who have breakfast with Coca-Cola instead of milk, juices, coffee, tea or even water.

That is why we wanted to explain why it is such a bad idea for us to continue this custom. To begin, we are going to explain why sugary and carbonated drinks are a bad decision to take daily, and then we will go straight to breakfast.

Coca Cola? No thanks

Soft drinks and energy drinks are suitable as long as their consumption is very sporadic, due to the high doses of caffeine, sugars and other unhealthy ingredients. It is not about eradicating them from our day to day, but expanding their consumption over time and stopping making these drinks a habit or a habit at each meal.

What happens with sugary soft drinks is that they directly affect our metabolism and end up seriously damaging our health. This happens because a high and habitual consumption of these drinks alters the rhythm of our body when it comes to metabolizing fats, calories and sugars.

Tapón de una botella de Coca-Cola

In other words, the rate of our metabolism changes, so our body does not get rid of these substances properly. By slowing down the metabolism, we gain weight and it will cost us more to lose it if the trend continues over time. And by trend we mean choosing a soft drink as a drink to accompany meals.

By gaining weight and not metabolizing fat and sugars well, problems such as overweight, heart disease, diabetes, etc. arise. So it is better that we do not abuse these drinks, because because a product is sold it does not mean that it is beneficial.

Better breakfast without soda

When we wake up we have an empty stomach because we have not eaten anything for almost 10 hours, since we are supposed to have had dinner for about 2 hours before going to bed and we will have slept between 6 and 8 hours. Leaving aside the bases of a good rest, we arrive at breakfast, a fundamental pillar to face the day with energy.

There are dozens of options for breakfast, from Nesquik (which is not recommended either due to its high sugar levels), Cola Cao (a bit of the same with more than 70% sugar), pure cocoa, fruit smoothies, natural juices , coffee, teas, water, etc. Everything except sodas, energy drinks, or alcohol, of course.

This is because Coca-Cola being a sugary and carbonated drink will make us feel bloated and give us a lot of gas , apart from the fact that on a nutritional level it does not contribute anything good, and breakfast has to give us energy for several hours. Likewise, drinking a lot of this drink or others increases the acidity of the stomach, even causing erosion in the walls of the entire digestive system.