When doing sports, deodorant or antiperspirant?

Let's start from the basis that you are a hygienic person, who takes a daily shower and who does his best to have a good body odor. Not all people smell the same, or the same intensity. Normally, before leaving the house, whether it is to train or to go to work, we apply deodorant to last the whole day.
eye! It is very ugly to go training without proper hygiene, with the excuse that at the end of your training you will shower. If you do sports outdoors and alone, you have a pass; but in public spaces have compassion for colleagues.

It is very common that throughout the morning you start to sweat and the odor accumulates, to the point of thinking if your deodorant has left you permanently. The question is: could you tell us why you use deodorant and not antiperspirant ?

desodorante para deporte

Deodorants or antiperspirants ?, that's the question

Although they may seem the same to you and you buy it at random, and without any criteria, the reality is that they are two different products.

The deodorant we could say that it is a fragrance that neutralizes your body odor with different aromas and perfumes. That will sound like "Hot Fever" or "Freshness", which lasts less than a candy in a schoolyard.
Instead, antiperspirants are a product that tries to control sweat production. There are not many who are in favor of using them, since they have an aluminum compound that temporarily covers the pores of the armpit. Does it fulfill its function of controlling sweat? Yes, but naturally it goes against your self-cooling system.

Most commonly, we consume a hybrid product of both, containing aluminum and some fragrance to neutralize the odor. To know what is being thrown into your armpit, you just have to read the list of components.

Do you know when you should apply the deodorant?

" Of course, before leaving home. What question is this? "

Error! Recently a study came out that advises applying the antiperspirant at night because we have a lower rate of natural sweating. When applying it in the morning the effectiveness will not be the same, because our body has begun with physical activity and begins to sweat (even if it is not a jet). Even if you have an excessive sweat problem and want to increase the protective effect, you can also apply it in the morning.

As for the deodorant, being a fragrance, you can use it as a perfume and apply it in the morning. Watch that it does not contain alcohol to avoid damaging your skin, and you can put it on as many times as you need throughout the day. Of course, do not be covered and clean your armpits before applying it; you could get a reverse effect with the mix of smells.