What is NEAT and how to calculate it to promote weight loss?

Today many are unaware of what NEAT is despite trying to lose weight , which is why, for example, they join a gym. Normally, fat reduction is associated with intense sports, but today we are going to explain how, in a daily routine, you can reduce those extra pounds .

Climbing the stairs, going to do the shopping, instead of requesting a home delivery online, or walking our pet are some activities that will help us shape our body. In this way, we can achieve our ideal weight without having to change our routine . This is what NEAT is all about.

What is NEAT?

The acronym NEAT refers to all the unscheduled physical activity that we do in our daily lives that helps us lose calories.

The NEAT is based on routines that require physical effort but are not considered sports activities as such and that, even so, help us reduce body fat .

Why is it important to calculate NEAT?

Calculating our NEAT will make us understand how with each activity we do in our day to day we can lose fat .

The most advisable thing to do to carry out this calculation is to use a quantifying bracelet. This will indicate the number of steps performed and the number of calories that we have lost in our daily lives with little effort.

In this way, knowing the calories we use, we can better understand the calories we must eat to lose weight . It is a simple routine that will help us feel better about ourselves.

To understand why knowing your NEAT is important, let’s clear up some basic fitness concepts. NEAT depends on basal metabolism , which is the minimum amount of energy we need to stay alive. Also from daily physical activity . Likewise, we cannot forget the thermogenic effect of food. This means that the very food we eat, in addition to providing energy, also makes us consume energy to process and digest it.

How to calculate caloric expenditure

To calculate the daily caloric expenditure, we must know the consumption of the basal metabolism (MB), that is, the caloric consumption of any individual if they did not perform any action throughout the day. The calculation of the MB depends on several factors such as weight, height, age, and is different for men and women.

To know this information in a simple way, you can multiply the weight by 24 in men, or multiply by 24 and by 0.9 in women. This will give the number of calories consumed by basal metabolism.

If the goal is to lose weight, the daily intake should be less than the daily caloric intake . For this, the amount of kilocalories that are ingested through the diet and the amount of calories that you burn when doing sports must also be calculated.

How to improve the NEAT index

To improve our NEAT index we will only have to change our daily habits by adopting healthier ones. In this way, we will be able to maintain our ideal weight without great effort.

First of all, we must eat in a healthy way , leaving aside the processed foods that damage our body. In this way, we must focus more on the consumption of fruits and vegetables, in addition to other products that protect our health on the grill, such as meat and fish.

Second, we must dedicate a few minutes of our day to doing sports . In the event that we do not have the opportunity, we can adapt our plans to make a physical effort to carry them out. Walking instead of taking the car or not using the elevator can be very effective methods.