What is Bok Choy?

Bok choy is a green leafy vegetable that is also known under the name of pak choi . It is commonly used in Asian cuisine and recipes such as stir fries. You don't need to be an expert chef to prepare it, since you can boil, sauté, or steam it. Like many green leafy vegetables, much of the flavor and nutrition is found in the leaves, and this is the main part of the vegetable that is consumed. When preparing it, be sure not to remove its leaves.

Nutritional information and benefits

Like many vegetables, bok choy is packed with vitamins and minerals. It is also associated with various health benefits, especially in relation to the digestive tract.

bok choy en una mesa

One cup of this cooked vegetable contains the following nutrients:

  • 20 calories
  • 2.65 grams protein
  • 0.27 grams fat
  • 3 grams carbohydrates
  • 1.7 grams fiber

It also contains adequate amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, and iron.

Since it is naturally low in calories, fat and carbohydrates, it can be used in a wide variety of diets. It can even be consumed as part of a weight loss regimen. If you are implementing a calorie deficit to lose weight, eating this type of food is a great way to reduce calories without sacrificing nutrients.

For those with digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome , it may be helpful to consume low FODMAP foods such as bok choy.

bok choy en un plato de sopa

How is it cooked?

Due to its appearance, cooking this food can seem intimidating. You may also be confused about whether to consume the bok choy leaves or the thick stem.

Before cooking it is important to wash and cut it. Wash the leaves well to remove dirt. You can also remove the leaves that are withered, although cutting the stem is optional. Since it is difficult to chew, you may prefer to cut the stem and keep only the leaves.

One of the most popular methods of preparing bok choy is in Asian-inspired recipes. We recommend steaming it and serving it together with tofu, hoisin sauce and other spices and condiments.

Other recipe ideas include Chinese-inspired stir fry. Simply add ingredients to a wok or pan with a little oil and add spices and sauces for flavor.

Recipe ideas with Bok Choy

Once you learn how to make it, you can enjoy this nutritious vegetable regularly. It can also be incorporated into a variety of recipes. You can serve it with a protein and cereal for a complete meal or mix it in a plate of noodles or stir-fries.

  • Bok Choy and tofu stir fry
  • Healthy Asian vegetable and soba noodle soup
  • Chicken curry with coconut, red lentils and Bok Choy

Since this vegetable is usually served with tofu, vegans and vegetarians can enjoy any recipe. It is also a vegetable that meets many types of diets, so everyone can consume bok choy for its flavor and benefits.