What are the differences between light tuna and northern bonito?

Many times there is a tendency to confuse one concept with another and, oddly enough, albacore and light tuna are not the same. They are a fish, yes, but they are not the same, nor are their nutritional values the same, nor their taste, nor their benefits, nor anything. Today we will learn to differentiate them and know how to recognize them, in addition, we will understand which of the two is the best.

Many times we see canned light tuna and canned albacore from the north, and we believe that it is the same, but one is more expensive than the other, due to the quality of the product, the origin, the type of packaging, etc. But, although all this has an influence, there are several other basic differences.

Tuna CharacteristicsAtún claro

Tuna, also known as light tuna, belongs to the tuna family and is established in equatorial and tropical areas. This fish is very similar to bonito, except for two very clear aspects. The tuna is larger, weighing up to 200 kilos and has shorter fins and sometimes in shades of yellow.

The speed at which this species swims is amazing and is what helps them carry out their long migrations and overcome sea currents. The classic tuna is known as light tuna, although its skin is somewhat more than the bonito from the north, but not as dark as the bluefin or almadraba tuna, which is what is fished in the Cádiz area.

White tuna, or common tuna, has good nutritional values, but not at the level of albacore, which we will see in the next section. This tuna is very rich in omega 3 fatty acids, high in quality protein, low in saturated fat and a good amount of essential vitamins and minerals.

Characteristics of the bonito

Bonito del norte

A species of tuna smaller in size and lighter than light tuna. The bonito of the north is part of the splendid Spanish gastronomy and this species of tuna so highly valued in cuisine around the world is fished on the Cantabrian coast, hence its name of bonito of the north.

To differentiate it from normal tuna, we have to note that its eyes are more rounded and its fins are very long , apart from the fact that, as we have already said, it is smaller and lighter. In addition, the dorsal part of the animal is dark blue almost black and the ventral part is whitish.

Regarding the nutritional value of this species, its fat is healthier and its meat is much juicier, not as rough as light tuna. The meat melts in the mouth and has a powerful flavor with a high culinary value throughout the world.

The meat of this fish is rich in omega 3, helps reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, it is rich in B3 and B12, two very important vitamins for the normal functioning of the body. It usually comes canned and has a higher price than common tuna.

Main differences

Now let’s take a closer look at the main differences between one and the other. To begin with, the external appearance, the bonito is dark blue on top and whitish on the rest of its body with long fins and very round eyes, while the light tuna is grayish and bluish in almost its entire body with short fins and sometimes has yellow or gold tips.

Regarding their nutritional value, both are good products, as long as the preserve or the cut is of quality. The meat of the bonito from the north is very soft on the palate, and melts in the mouth with an exquisite flavor, while the tuna can end up being dry and with little flavor.

The best cuts for light tuna are sirloin and belly. While the tuna from the north are the sirloin, the loin and the tuna belly, the loin being the best-selling lean meat of this fish and the belly the most valued and valued part.

How to differentiate them in the fish market

To differentiate both fish in a fish market, we first have to see the animal with the present body. This way it will be really easy with the characteristics that we have said before, for example, the color of the scales of the light tuna is grayish bluish with yellow fins sometimes and the lateral fins are short. In addition, they are large fish and we will normally see them cut into slices, there you have to look at the color of their meat, which must be an intense pink color that when it approaches the skin, it becomes lighter.

In the case of the albacore, we already know that the upper part of the animal is dark blue, almost black, and the rest of the body is whitish. We also know that it has long, dark-colored side fins, as well as larger, rounder eyes. If at the fish market we do not see the animal in one piece, but rather filleted, sliced or something similar, we will know that it is bonito from the north because of its intense blood red color that becomes lighter as it approaches the outer skin.

Which is healthier?

Both are a very good option, but at a nutritional level, the authentic bonito from the north has better values and we will be able to obtain better nutrients and benefits with its consumption than with the consumption of canned light tuna. For example, its fat is good for helping to reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart attack. Essential vitamins such as B3, B12, B9, A, D , among others, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, selenium, iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and iodine are also obtained.

As for healthy, we must also take into account how we cook it, if we put many sauces, spices and others, it will lose its authentic flavor and we will only be adding unnecessary calories. However, if we steam it in its juice with vegetables or vegetable sauce, we gain in nutritional value.