What are the best exercises to tone your chest at home?

Chest exercises done at home can offer spectacular aesthetic results. In this way, nothing happens if you feel lazy to go to the gym, if it’s cold, rainy or you don’t feel like going outside. In your home, you will always be able to work your body in an appropriate way to achieve those goals that at first you thought impossible. When it comes to pecs, it’s very common for people to constantly focus on them to improve their image. It does not matter if you are a man or a woman, toning this area of the body increases self-esteem and strengthens health. Therefore, dedicating a few minutes a day for this purpose is more than recommended.

chest exercises to do at home

Doing chest exercises at home is easier than you think. It is true that in the gym there are many machines that allow you to perform all the movements in a professional manner and taking into account the technique at all times. However, if we have a small space in our home, our body will be enough to achieve the results we are looking for. Moreover, some homemade products can also serve to reach the goal and feel proud of our body and the image we find ourselves in front of the mirror. You just have to know how to choose the right routine to get to where we have set out to be. Of course, consistency is essential, as is belief in oneself.

ejercicios pecho en casa

clapping push-ups

One of the most prominent chest exercises at home is clap push -ups. Without a doubt, they aim to work on power and tone the upper body. When carrying out this exercise, it is very important to bet on speed and strength. In this way, it will be possible to develop the following parts of the body: arms, chest, shoulders and core .

How to do clap push-ups

Warming up is essential before performing clap push -ups. You have to take into account the muscles that are part of the upper body. This is the only way to avoid injuries that can make us feel a lot of pain. Once this is done, we have to place ourselves on the ground, supporting our weight on our feet and hands . The latter should be kept more open than the perpendicular line of the shoulders. Also, the lower limbs must be kept straight at all times. In this way, only the balls of the feet would touch the ground. The back should also be kept straight , from the hips to the head.

The moment we have a proper posture, we have to bend the elbows and lower the body towards the ground . The elbows must be kept at a forty-five degree angle in relation to the chest. Once we feel that our pectorals are in contact with the ground, we will know that the time has come to stretch our arms quickly and strongly to raise the body and clap our hands in the air. Of course, we have to do it fast enough to drop our hands back on the ground and repeat the movement described above again.

incline push-ups

It is true that the fact of not going to the gym to work the pecs has a limitation, and that is that regulating the weight is much more difficult if we do not have the right machines. Now doing incline push-ups allows us to increase both the difficulty and the weight in this type of training. On the other hand, it is one of the best chest exercises that can be done at home. The reason is that, apart from how efficient it is, you only need a foothold or a table to make them.

How to do incline push-ups

If we want to do incline push-ups properly, it is very important to do them on a flat surface. In it you have to place your hands, staying resistant and strong taking into account that they must support all our weight without any problem. It is true that there are many people who choose to do them on a yoga ball. However, they are usually those who are experts in this type of exercise. If we have not yet reached this point, it is better that we opt for a chair or a table that will help us to carry out this exercise perfectly.

As soon as we are ready and have the appropriate space and materials, we must position the body as we have done in the previous exercise. Now, we must be clear about one point, and that is that the more open we have our hands, the more we will work the chest area . One of the most important things is that you don’t have to drop your hips. To do this, the buttocks and abdominals must be kept in tension . This will offer us more benefits than expected in a pec exercise done at home.

open pushups

As we explained in the previous exercise, the more open our hands are when executing push-ups, the more work we will be forcing our pecs to do. Keep in mind that a basic pushup works your shoulders, chest, and arms . Now, as we separate the upper extremities, the more we will involve the shoulders and the pectorals. In this way, the work of the triceps will be reduced . The pectorals are a very specific muscle, and this fact makes it sometimes very difficult to train them. Therefore, you have to perform exercises of this type in order to strengthen and shape them.

How to do open pushups

Open pushups are also known as guillotine pushups. The reason is that the position in which it is carried out is reminiscent of that of those people sentenced to death by this method at the time the blade fell. To position ourselves correctly, just do the same as in the rest of the push-ups. Now, at the moment in which we are going to place the palms of the hands on the ground, we must opt for a larger opening than we were used to until now. The moment we go down and up, to execute the exercise, we will notice that we have to make a greater effort than we have done in other routines.

It is true that in open push -ups we cannot fully extend our arms. However, we must try as much as possible. If after doing several repetitions the hands remain in the same place, we can continue with the routine, since this means that our body is in good condition to continue. Now, if this is not the case, we will have to stop to improve our posture and thus be able to continue with the training.

These types of routines must be carried out frequently in order to really notice the results. Chest exercises at home are highly recommended and can transform our body in a very positive way. However, we must also be careful when executing them, because not following the correct technique can damage our muscles and suffer discomfort for several days. Therefore, we must know what we are doing and know our limits . It is common to want to give the best of ourselves, but working beyond the possibilities of our body can harm us a lot.