Vaginal yeast infection, why does it appear and what is its treatment?

Women are more likely to suffer from vaginal yeast infections, an infection that appears in their intimate area, especially in some stages of their lives, such as pregnancy or after having been taking antibiotics. Why does vaginal yeast infection occur? Next, we explain why this pathology occurs and its symptoms.

Candida albicans , popularly known as candidiasis, is a fungal infection that appears on the mucous membranes of the body and is presented by a manifestation of white spots, which cause itching and redden the area of the skin where they are found. There are different types of candidiasis and some that affect women and men equally, although normally the most affected are always women. How to identify yeast infection? Can its appearance be prevented?

Symptoms of vaginal yeast infection

Vaginal candidiasis is a fungus whose perfect area to inhabit is the vaginal mucosa. When it is in the inflammation stage, some easily identifiable symptoms appear: strong itching, white discharge that does not smell but has some lumps and redness that appears on the mucous membranes.

Causes and consequences of vaginal yeast infection

Candidiasis is an endogenous condition, which means that it is the body itself that produces it due to an imbalance of the bacterial intestinal flora. The reasons for its appearance are varied, but among the most common is the weakening of the immune systems (when taking antibiotics that affect the bacterial flora), diet high in sugars, poor hygiene (microorganisms proliferate), stress or wear very tight underwear. In addition, the natural tendency of each body is added.

Treatment of vaginal yeast infection

When this pathology appears, it is best to visit the gynecologist to offer the appropriate treatment for each person. The goal of treatment is that the microorganisms responsible for the infection remain inactive. At the same time, it is advisable to have proper hygiene and a healthy diet to prevent fungi from proliferating thanks to the presence of carbohydrates and sugars.

The most common treatment is the application of ovules (vaginal suppositories), antifungals or creams and, when the fungus appears frequently, it is best to take an oral antifungal. Natural remedies are also a good option to prevent these types of conditions and control the health of the bacterial flora and mucous membranes.

With regard to diet, to minimize the likelihood of yeast infection, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of sweets and other products with sugars , as well as increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, since they contain high levels of minerals, fiber and vitamins necessary to provide the body and immune system the protection it needs. Including yogurt in the diet is a good decision, as it is a powerful ally to protect the intestinal flora from lactic acid bacteria.

Regarding hygiene, it is best not to use chemical products or apply natural remedies that control the natural acidity of the mucous membranes, such as aloe vera or lavender soap. On the other hand, it is best to decide to wear underwear that allows perspiration (cotton) with light colors, avoiding wearing very tight clothing in the groin area. It is also important that, when playing sports, you remove sweaty underwear.

Why does candidiasis appear more in pregnant women?

The probability that candida cells multiply is greater in pregnant women, since in this state the fungus moves in the perfect environment to grow and multiply. Hormonal imbalances and changes occur in pregnancy that spread vaginal yeast infection.

Candidiasis en mujeres embarazadas

In pregnant women, the level of estrogen is high, a hormone that stimulates the growth of the fungus at the same time that it pushes the cells to stick easily to the walls of the vagina. Estrogen makes the vagina generate more glycogen , the ideal base for the yeast fungi to reproduce since there are high levels of sugar, causing pregnant women to be more prone to fungal infection.

Recommendations for the treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women

Go to the gynecologist to corroborate the yeast infection. This professional will be in charge of confirming the presence of fungus in the mucous membranes of the vagina, offering a personalized treatment to end the discomfort.

Can yeast infection affect the fetus or pregnancy?

This is an issue that worries many women, but the truth is that there are no signs that suffering from candidiasis during pregnancy can affect the fetus, although protective measures should always be taken. Prevention is the best guideline that can be taken to avoid this type of condition.