Vaginal infection? Prevent it and identify it for your well-being

All women have suffered or will suffer at some point in their life from a vaginal infection . These types of infections are more common than is believed and can affect both girls and adolescents or women with or without an active sex life. For this reason, it is very important to know how to identify the symptoms in order to combat it.

What is a vaginal infection?

Vaginitis, also called vulvovaginitis, is an inflammation or infection of the vagina that can have different causes, with candidiasis , bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis vaginitis being the most common . Depending on the degree and type of infection, it can also affect the vulva, the external part of the female genitalia. These three infections can cause itching, pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, or a bad odor.

In the case of trichomoniasis vaginitis, also known as trichomonas, it can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. In this case, even if the partner or sexual partner has no symptoms, it is likely that they will also need to be treated because they may have the inactive bacteria but spread it again after treatment.

Vaginitis is more common than you think and can affect women of any age, including girls. It usually occurs when there is a change in the balance of bacteria or yeast normally found in the vagina . Any vaginal infection has to be treated with the medication that the medical specialist considers because it does not go away by itself.

Identificar infección vaginal

What are the symptoms?

At general levels, different vaginal infections often present the same symptoms . But there are women in whom this condition is asymptomatic, so whether or not any abnormality is noticed it is very important to visit the gynecology specialist for a check-up every one or three years depending on age.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor as soon as possible:

  • Bad vaginal odor.
  • Itching or burning in the vagina area.
  • Pain and irritation when urinating or having sex.
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge.

There is no need to be alarmed. Although a vaginal infection is quite uncomfortable, it is not dangerous and can be treated without problems and without complications.

Causes of vaginal infections

There are many causes for which you can get a vaginal infection, although it has been determined that the excessive growth of bacteria can be due to:

  • The use of antibiotics , which can cause an imbalance in the natural vaginal flora.
  • Pregnancy
  • Uncontrolled diabetes .
  • The impaired immune system .
  • The use of oral contraceptives or hormonal therapy , which increases estrogen levels.
  • The use of some soaps, intimate deodorants or other products of the style .
  • Humidity . Do not dry the area well after showering or bathing or letting swimwear, especially in summer, dry on.
  • An incorrect intimate hygiene .
  • Sex without a condom with an infected partner.

It is often mistakenly believed that excessive hygiene can save a woman from getting a vaginal infection. In fact, it is the opposite. Although you do have to have good intimate hygiene, you should not overdo this task or the opposite effect will be achieved. Especially if intimate soaps or deodorants are used in a very continuous way, because they can dry out the area. In addition, many of these products contain compounds that can very easily unbalance the vaginal PH , leading to infection. The use of condoms, spermicides, or lubricants can have the same effect on the body.

cuidado íntimo

It has also been found that hormonal changes, caused for example by menopause, pregnancy or oral contraceptives, can also be the cause of vaginal infections. Even the daily use of panty liners or scented sanitary wipes can cause them.

By all this we mean that there are many different causes and that is why it is so common to suffer a vaginal infection at least once in life.

How to prevent a vaginal infection?

Although there are many causes, the risk of vaginal infection can be greatly reduced if the following recommendations are followed.

It is very important to wash before and after each sexual relationship , whether with a stable partner or not. And, obviously, this hygiene should have it both parties. Reducing the risk of such an infection is easy with proper hygiene. The use of a condom is also essential to avoid infections, in addition to other sexually transmitted diseases. And many experts say that urinating after sexual intercourse is beneficial.

It is also very important to wash your hands before and after using the bathroom because everything you touch throughout the day has bacteria that could lead to infection.

Another way to avoid these types of diseases is by wearing loose cotton underwear . You should avoid wearing synthetic clothing in the genital area because its texture helps the proliferation of bacteria and fungi. And, obviously, underwear must be changed daily. Women more prone to these types of infections should wash their underwear with neutral soaps or by hand. Detergents often contain chemicals that can cause irritation.

And finally, it is very important to hydrate . Women who drink a lot of water have been shown to reduce the risk of vaginal infections because they shed many bacteria that are localized in the genital area through urine . As well as it will also be crucial to avoid staying for a long period of time with wet bathing suits in the pool or on the beach or sitting on the edge of the pool , because it is the place where more bacteria are concentrated.

evitar infecciones vaginales

Other recommendations…

Before any sudden change with respect to the color, smell or quantity of vaginal secretions, it is recommended to see a doctor because it may be an infection. You also have to go to the specialist if you suffer from one or more symptoms of the aforementioned.

As far as treatment is concerned, only a professional can decide and only he can determine how to act against a vaginal infection and how to control the PH of this area. There are countless products and creams on the market, some advertised on television, that promise to end this problem, but you should never self-medicate. The ovules or topical creams for the vagina are very specific and each one acts on a certain bacteria.

The creams or products that are advertised on television or in other media can help reduce symptoms but not eliminate the problem , because it is necessary to know what type of infection is suffered in order to act in one way or another. For all this, it is necessary to undergo an examination so that the medical specialist can choose the appropriate medication.

And most importantly, there is nothing to worry about. As we have already discussed, vaginal infections are very common among women and with proper treatment there should be no complications or problems. But it is very important to go to the doctor when any of the symptoms are detected or the infection could worsen, which would imply more time of treatment or more quantity.