Top 10 BOSU Ball Exercises

If you want the body you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done. It’s time to change your routine to one in which you only have to use a BOSU (Boths Side Up) ball, this way you can train anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or have a lot of experience, you can get a full body workout with this one tool.

Find out what is the origin of this training tool and discover what are the exercises you can do with it and how you can execute them.

What is a BOSU ball?

The BOSU ball was invented in 1999 by David Weck as a more stable alternative to the traditional ball. BOSU stands for “both sides are used” and has a platform on one side and a soft rubber hemisphere on the other. You can change the side you are using depending on the exercise you are doing. The BOSU ball adds instability, making it harder to balance , forcing the body to use more of the core muscles, which is why each exercise is said to ultimately work the core a lot.

10 exercises you can do with a BOSU ball

1. Push-ups

Change the Bosu ball so that the rounded end is facing down and the platform is facing up. Place your arms in flexion on the platform, in the form of a board. Spread your feet about 12 inches apart to maintain stability and make the exercise easier. Slowly lower your body towards the BOSU until touching it with your chest, then return to the starting position.

flexiones con balón BOSU

2. Side plank

Place the BOSU ball with the flat side facing the ground and your forearm on the Bosu ball, spreading your legs so that you are on your side. Activate your core and stand up sideways on bridge / plank. Try to stay like this for about 30 seconds or more to feel the effort.

plancha lateral con balón BOSU

3. Single leg bridge

With the flat side down, place one foot on the BOSU with your knee bent. The other leg should point out at a 45 degree angle, in line with the planted leg. Squeeze your glutes and push your hips toward the ceiling, hold and then slowly lower.

puente de glúteo a una pierna con balón BOSU

4. Mountain Climbers

Lay the BOSU flat side up. Start in a bent-arm position at the top of the flat platform with your hands under your shoulders and your feet behind you. Keeping your hands in place, bring one knee to your chest and then bring it back to do the same with the other leg. Toggle this for 30 seconds.

mountain climbers con balón BOSU

5. Front lunges

Lay the Bosu ball with the flat side toward the ground. Stand behind Bosu’s ball and place one foot on the ball. Lower the knee that has been extended and return to the starting position. Repeat in the other side.

zancadas frontales con balón BOSU

6. Single leg deadlift

Lay the BOSU deck side down. Stand on it on one leg and bend your knee a little. Bend at the hips and extend your free leg behind you for balance. Lower your upper body until it is parallel to the ground. Then return to the upright position slowly and with control. Make sure to keep your hips in a stable position without letting them rock to the side.

pero muerto rumano a una pierna

7. Single leg plank

Lay the BOSU with the deck flat on the ground, and your forearms on top. Put your lower extremities in a plank position, lift one leg, and hold for about 30 seconds. Don’t let your stomach or hips sag.

plancha a una pierna con balón BOSU

8. Squats on BOSU

Lay the platform flat up. Gently stand on the platform on one leg. If you need more stability, you can use one hand on the ground or a partner. When you stand up, you will feel the instability. Return to the squat position.

sentadillas sobre BOSU

9. Side lunges

Stand with your feet under your shoulders and the BOSU ball to the side. Then place one foot on the Bosu and the other on the ground, parallel to each other. Lower your whole body towards the leg that rests on the Bosu, squeeze the thighs and return to the starting position.

zancadas laterales con BOSU

10. Side jumps

This is a variation of the previous exercise. Try alternating lateral lunges with a jump. Instead of returning to your feet after coming down to one side, jump off the Bosu ball and switch feet in the air, striding again, but with the opposite side. Continue alternating sides.

How many sets and reps should I do?

The routine is very simple: Do each movement for 45 seconds straight and then rest for 15 seconds to move on to the next step. Try to do the exercises on both sides, such as the side planks and single-leg bridges. Do these exercises for 17 minutes and get a full body workout.


  • Collette Stohler . 11 Body-Rocking BOSU Ball Exercises. For [Revised January 2016]