7 ways to stop hair loss according to science

Alopecia or hair loss is a disorder caused by the progressive loss and interruption of the hair production cycle anywhere on the body (mainly the scalp).

According to the NYU Langone Health portal, on average the scalp has approximately 100,000 hairs, which go through various periods of growth, rest, fall and regeneration that, if a hair follicle is interrupted or affected, could cause the loss of hair is greater than regeneration and cause a receding of the hairline, loss of patches, general thinning or weakening of the hair follicles.

Naturally, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is common for a person to lose between 50 and 100 hairs per day as part of this regeneration cycle. However, in case of having an excessive loss, the person could present some disorders in the scalp that, according to scientific studies, can be stopped with specific treatments.

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How to stop hair loss?

1. Improve your diet

A healthy diet in itself does not guarantee a complete solution to hair loss, but it will allow our body to function optimally. A poorly nutritious and unbalanced diet, on the other hand, will deprive our body of receiving the necessary nutrients to fulfill its functions, including hair regrowth.

Among the most recommended foods for hair are those that have B vitamins, which promote metabolism, stimulate the circulation of nutrients in the blood and promote hair regeneration. Among the different types of B vitamins, the most influential are pathogenic acid (vitamin B5) and biotin (vitamin B7).

According to studies carried out by Bayer, biotin acts as a coenzyme , stimulating the action of some proteins that are essential in the processes that promote the growth of rapidly reproducing tissues (such as skin and hair). They also promote elasticity and healthy hair growth.

The US National Institute of Health notes that the foods that contain the highest amount of biotin are organ meats, eggs, fish, meat, seeds, nuts, and certain vegetables (such as sweet potatoes).

For its part, the Mayo Clinic recommends maintaining a balanced diet that contains olive oil, omega 3 (found in healthy nuts such as almonds, flaxseed, walnuts; and fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna and herring), chicken, turkey , shrimp, lean red meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese and plain yogurt, which will promote healthy hair growth .

Dieta saludable para promover la salud del cabello

2. Don't overdo the aesthetics of your hair

Other factors that can infer hair loss may be linked to the aesthetic treatments performed on it.

Many chemicals such as dyes, excessive styling, and constant exposure to high temperatures (drying and ironing) can weaken hair and promote hair loss. These treatments can weaken the hair shaft and follicles, leading to a type of hair loss called traction alopecia .

Excessive and constant styling can lead to progressive receding of the hairline. Also, treatments with hot products such as oil can cause inflammation of the hair follicles and promote hair loss. For this reason, it is recommended to use loose or not tight hairstyles, use chemical products recommended by specialists, avoid excessive combing and the constant use of heat treatments.

It is important to note that if there are scars on the scalp, the hair loss could be permanent and may require transplants to prevent baldness.

Tratamientos capilares que pueden acelerar la caída del cabello

3. Get used to massaging the scalp daily

According to a study carried out on 9 Japanese men between 25 and 46 years old, it was possible to show that they did not present excessive hair loss when they received massages on the scalp for 4 minutes a day (in relation to other men with similar characteristics).

The study found that regularly massaging the scalp can improve hair regrowth in a healthy and thicker way, by promoting blood circulation and, therefore, obtaining the necessary nutrients (Koyama, Kobayashi, Hama , Murakami and Ogawa, 2016).

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4. Avoid stress

Stress can affect your body's performance and therefore your behavior.

High levels of stress can cause various health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes, as well as disorders derived from these problems such as hair loss due to poor blood circulation and the secretion of hormones necessary for its regeneration.

In this sense, the Mayo Clinic recommends doing physical activity periodically, practicing relaxation techniques (deep breathing, meditation, yoga or massage), spending time with family and friends (avoiding tense situations) and setting aside time for hobbies that promote relaxation . Likewise, it points out that daily activities such as watching television, surfing the internet or playing video games can increase stress in the long term, so they should be avoided or reduced as much as possible.

Métodos para prevenir la caída del cabello

5. Consult specialized medications

On the market there are various foams or topical medicinal solutions recommended by specialists, which can be effective to strengthen the scalp and prevent hair loss.

A study published in the British Journal of Dermatology , managed to scientifically prove that topical foam with minoxidil promotes hair growth in patients with common or genetic baldness. In the study, this product was applied twice a day for eight weeks, obtaining favorable progressive results (Mirmirani et al., 2015).

Experts recommend using minoxidil products 2 times a day continuously; however, if it is used for the first time, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid possible contraindications or allergies to the product.

Tratamientos para la caída del cabello

6. Apply low-level laser therapy

According to research published in 2013 in Lasers in Surgery and Medicine , low-level laser or light therapy treatments stimulate stem cells in hair follicles , safely promoting cellular activity in the scalp and hair regrowth both in men as in women of any age (Avci, Gupta, Clark, Wikomkal and Hamblin and 2014).

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7. Evaluate a hair transplant

According to the Mayo Clinic, hair transplantation can be a solution for those who have baldness in the upper part of the skull (or a specific area), making the most of the remaining hair. However, hereditary baldness cannot be stopped by means of this transplant, which represents an expensive, painful option and with the possibility of causing permanent bleeding and scarring.

Cómo detener la caída del cabello


If you have excessive hair loss, it is advisable to consult a specialist for a personalized diagnosis that can determine the causes that originate it and find an optimal solution to the existing problem.

Try to implement a balanced diet and avoid activities that generate stress, excessive hairstyles and the use of chemical products (without previous studies or recommendations from specialists) can help you strengthen your scalp and allow your hair to grow strong, shiny and healthy. .

Cómo cuidar la salud de tu cabello


  • 7 Science-Backed Ways to Stop a Receding Hairline. For Livestrong. [Revised January 2020].
  • Avci, O., Gupta, G., Clark, J., Wikomkal, N. and Hamblin, M. (2014). Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy (LLLT) for Treatment of Hair Loss. Lasers in Surgery and Med icine. doi: 10.1002 / lsm.22170
  • Biotin. (2019). For National Institutes of Health. [Revised January 2020].
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  • Koyama, T., Kobayashi, K., Hama, T., Murakami, K. and Ogawa, R. (2016). Standardized Scalp Massage Results in Increased Hair Thickness by Inducing Stretching Forces to Dermal Papilla Cells in the Subcutaneous Tissue. Eplasty , 16 (e8).
  • Mirmirani, P., Consolo, M., Oyetakin-White, P., Baron, E., Leahy, P and Karnik, P. (2015). Similar Response Patterns to 5% Topical Minoxidil Foam in Frontal and Vertex Scalp of Men with Androgenetic Alopecia: A Microarray Analysis. British Journal of Dermatology. doi: 10.1111 / bjd.13399
  • Types of Hair Loss. (s / f). For NYU Langone Hospitals. [Revised January 2020].