5 micro-habits to keep your immune system strong and healthy

The immune system; Made up of cells, proteins, tissues and organs, it defends us against germs and microorganisms every day.

Most of the time it does a great job, keeping us healthy and preventing possible infections, but sometimes problems arise in the immune system that cause diseases and infections, that is why in order for it to fulfill its mission, it must be taken care of correctly

Learn about 5 micro-habits to keep your immune system healthy .

¿Cómo tener un sistema inmunológico saludable?

5 micro-habits for a healthy immune system

1. Avoid passive smoking

A passive smoker is considered to be a person who inhales tobacco smoke from other smokers in a closed environment. This situation can reproduce in the non-smoker the situation of the smoker who consumes 4-10 cigarettes. This is due to the fact that the smoke that the involuntary smoker inhales contains a concentration of certain toxic components much higher than that of the smoke that the active smoker inhales directly.

"Chronic exposure to secondhand smoke causes inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract and affects the ability of the immune system to produce antibodies in response to exposure to bacteria."

Julia Blank, a family medicine physician at Providence Saint John Health Center in Santa Monica, California.

Secondhand smoke contains thousands of chemicals that are toxic to the body. In other words, breathing this smoke increases the chances that you will suffer the following pathologies, as your immune system would be affected:

  • Lung infections (such as pneumonia)
  • Asthma
  • Cough, sore throat, and sneezing
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease

To avoid being a passive smoker, try to avoid places where you may be exposed to secondhand smoke and ask smokers around you to go outside if they are going to smoke. In some countries, there are actually anti-smoking laws that prohibit smoking inside closed establishments.

El tabaquismo pasivo perjudica al sistema inmune

2. Add protein to your breakfast

It's no secret that people who eat poorly get sick more easily. Therefore, starting the day with a complete and balanced breakfast is essential, since it is the first intake of nutrients after the long fast that occurs from dinner time. In addition, it is essential both to start the morning with energy and to regulate hunger for the rest of the day.

A study carried out has shown that protein helps to stimulate your immune system , and when we do not consume enough of it, it weakens and makes us more vulnerable to all types of bacteria and viruses (Wu, 2016).

Eating a protein-rich breakfast can help boost your physical health and improve how you feel throughout the day.

Desayunos ricos en proteína estimulan el metabolismo

3. Wash your hands well

Good hygiene is essential to keep microbes and batteries out of our bodies. Gestures as simple as washing your hands after going to the sink can prevent external agents from coming into contact with our body.

Although we are not aware of it, we put our hands to our faces (eyes, mouth, nose …) hundreds of times a day and, although they seem clean, they may have been in contact with some germ since these "invisible" microorganisms even survive several hours on most surfaces.

Therefore, washing your hands for at least 20 seconds (before handling food and after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose) helps prevent infection .

Lavarse las manos 20 segundos para prevenir infecciones

4. Sleep at least 8 hours a day

Lack of rest can affect our health in a number of ways. When we can't get to sleep or sleep less than we need, we wake up the next day with fewer reflexes, a lower ability to concentrate. Another consequence is the loss of appetite, something that hurts us since we will not be able to receive the main vitamins and nutrients that our immune system needs.

A good rest is the key to maintaining both mental and physical balance, as a published study found that the more and better you sleep, the higher the concentration of white blood cells in your blood (Dimitrov et al., 2019).

"Many people stay up late and miss the opportunity to boost their immunity through proper sleep hygiene." "The adrenal glands, which produce cortisol (the stress hormone), epinephrine and norepinephrine, are affected by poor or inadequate sleep, which in turn has a negative impact on the immune system."

Shiva Lalezar, specialist in functional and anti-aging medicine

Dormir bien mejora el sistema inmunológico

5. Eat more vegetables

Food is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system .

To strengthen the immune system and raise the body's defenses, it is important to increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamins and minerals, reduce the consumption of sources of fat, sugar and industrialized foods that have colorants and preservatives. For this, the intake of medications or supplements that help to increase immunity can also be indicated.

Such is the case with vegetables. It is essential to take 2 servings of vegetables and 2-3 of fruit daily. To choose them, you must always vary the colors and opt for those that are seasonal and proximity, and always choose the ones with the highest nutritional value from each group.

To make the most of their properties, make sure they are fresh, organically grown and unprocessed or cooked (but well cleaned).

Cómo alimentarse para fortalecer el sistema inmune


There are no foolproof products or tips that will isolate you from viruses and prevent you from getting a cold or flu, especially in winter, but you can do a lot to have a strong body that reduces their effects and overcomes them more easily.

However, it must also be borne in mind that it is not advisable to turn your house into a bubble without bacteria, as your immune system would relax too much .


  • Dimitrov, S… and Besedovsky, L (2019). Gα s -coupled receptor signaling and sleep regulate integrin activation of human antigen-specific T cells. Journal of Experimental Medicine . doi: 10.1084 / jem.20181169
  • Wu, G. (2016). Dietary protein intake and human health. Food and Funtion. doi: 10.1039 / c5fo01530h