Top 6 Foods Highest in Resistant Starch

Forget all the myths you have in your head about carbohydrates: resistant starch is a unique food with fiber and nutrients like few you can know. The bad news is that of the starch in most foods, very little of it qualifies as resistant starch. Choosing well, then, is very important.

But this does not stop there. The cooking methods we use also tend to inhibit the properties of resistant starch before we consume it, without our even knowing it.

Learn about the advantages of resistant starch and what are the sources from where you can get it.

Mejores fuentes de almidón resistente

What is resistant starch and why is it so necessary?

You already know that many of the carbohydrates you eat, such as pasta or potatoes, are high in starch. However, only a few of these products are resistant during digestion.

The fundamental difference from resistant starch is that it works in a similar way to fermentable soluble fiber, helping to feed healthy bacteria in the gut and increasing the production of short-chain fatty acids, such as butyrate. All this process results in the following benefits:

  • Greater weight loss.
  • Better control of sugar levels.
  • Improved digestion.
  • Increased heart health.

But for all this to be fulfilled, one aspect must still be taken care of and that is how to prepare resistant starch correctly. and is that the heat of cooking usually inhibits some nutrients in products of this type. Therefore, it is best to let these foods rest after cooking to reactivate their properties. However, there is no foolproof method to maintain its properties all the time.

Mejores fuentes de almidón resistente

What are the foods with the most resistant starch?

1. Oatmeal

Oats are a common element in diets in different parts of the world, and also a food rich in resistant starch.

In general, about 100 grams of oats are believed to contain 3.5 grams of resistant starch , not to mention their large amounts of antioxidants. However, if you are one of those who prefer to eat it after cooking, it is best to let it rest in the fridge for a few hours, or even overnight.

Tipos de almidón saludable

2. Cooked and cooled rice

Rice is such an inexpensive product and so common in many countries that we often consider it to be a “filling” or not very nutritious food.

If you want to take advantage of the resistant starch in rice , a good method is to prepare a large amount of it for the whole week. This will not only save you time during the day, but it will increase the natural properties of the starch. Just make sure you keep it well refrigerated and take out only the amount that you are going to consume each day so that the rest does not go bad.

Another important factor is the type of rice you prepare. Brown or brown rice contains more micronutrients and is always more recommended than traditional white.

¿Qué tipo de arroz contiene más almidón resistente?

3. Legumes

Grains and legumes are traditionally known for their high amounts of fiber, but they also contain resistant starch in considerable proportions.

Every 100 g of legumes can contain between 1 and 4 g of resistant starch , although this figure varies depending on the type of legume chosen.

However, if you really want to get the most benefits, it is best to soak them well before cooking and then heat them sufficiently.

Aportes del almidón resistente

4. Raw potato starch

Potato starch is a white to yellow powder, similar in texture to regular flour. This is one of the most concentrated sources of resistant starch , since 72% of its compounds come from it. Thus, consuming one or two tablespoons of this product per day is therefore more than enough.

One of the ways to serve it is in the form of a puree. Just try to serve it cold, do not heat it with the rest of the food.

Fuentes más concentradas de almidón resistente

5. Green bananas

Like legumes, green bananas mix fiber and resistant starch in good amounts. Additionally, bananas are a helpful source of carbohydrates, vitamin B6, and vitamin C.

It is best to buy the banana when it is green and consume it only a few days later to increase the amount of resistant starch you receive.

Almidón resistente del plátano verde

6. Other starch carbohydrates cooked and then cooled

Any starchy carbohydrate can increase your resistance to digestion if it is cooked and then cooled before consuming. This applies not only to the carbohydrates mentioned previously, but to other less obvious sources, such as pasta.

As with rice, pasta can be prepared in large quantities and then allowed to cool to increase its properties. Use your imagination and repeat the process with your usual carbohydrate sources.

Dónde encontrar el almidón resistente


  • Rudy Mawer. 9 Foods That Are High in Resistant Starch. For Authority Nutrition. [Revised October 2016]