This is the number of sets and repetitions you have to do to enlarge your biceps

Toned biceps are not only a sign of strength, but they also look great on a tank top. They are one of the two main muscle groups in the arms: the biceps brachii, which acts on both the elbow and shoulder joints, and the triceps, the muscles on the back of the arms.

The main functions are to flex the arm or bend the elbow so that the forearm approaches the body and to supinate, to rotate the forearm outwards.

hombre con bíceps fuertes

What benefits does having strength in the biceps provide?

Having these muscles strong will offer more than just aesthetic benefits; There are a host of activities that demand your strength, including drag movements like grabbing or lifting bags off the ground, opening doors, and getting up on a pull-up bar.

They also help prevent conditions such as biceps tendinitis of the shoulder or tendon of the elbow , as well as other micro tears.

FYI, bicipital tendinitis occurs when there is inflammation from micro tears in the long head of the biceps tendon. Elbow tendinitis occurs when the elbow tendons are overloaded by repetitive movements of the wrists and arms. By having rock solid biceps, you can prevent muscle imbalances and shoulder instability that usually accompany biceps tendinitis.

Science suggests that building stronger biceps as part of a broader muscle building routine can also benefit other aspects of your health. Strength training for at least one hour per week was linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and death from any cause in a March 2019 study in Sports and Exercise Medicine and Science.

How many sets and repetitions should you do?

To get bigger arms, you will need to gain muscle mass. This process, called hypertrophy, is best accomplished with a specific workout and an established schedule in your arm workouts.

It's recommended 6 to 12 repetitions per set , 67 to 85 percent of your maximum of one repetition, which is the heaviest weight you can lift at one time for any exercise. The closer you get to 85 percent of your one repetition maximum, the fewer repetitions you will do. Aim to do 3 to 4 sets at this weight if your goal is to see a difference in the size of your biceps.

For example, if you can do a 25 pound heavy bicep curl, I would use a 15 pound weight for 3 to 4 sets of 6 to 12 repetitions of curls.

There is no single approach to how often you should train your biceps. Since they are a smaller muscle group, especially compared to the triceps, it is recommended that you do not train them every day . In fact, you are already training them every time you grab weights, a bar, etc. and you fold your arms, so it's crucial to be careful not to overload them.

That is why it is recommended that you train your biceps twice a week and complete your other workouts with complementary muscle movements that aid bicep function, such as tricep exercises.

What happens if you train them very often?

Overtraining, or working the same muscles too often, can lead to overuse injuries, according to a December 2018 review in the Journal of Orthopedic Surgery and Research. To stay safe, it is recommended to take at least a full day of rest between sessions where you will train the same muscles.

When your body recovers and you get enough sleep, you can see the gains. Biceps exercise involves constantly grasping a weight, barbell, barbell, or pulley, so be sure to massage your forearms, wrists, shoulders, and biceps themselves for optimal recovery.