These are all the health properties of chard

Do you know the properties of chard ? Many times we prejudge food only because it is related to vegetables. It is very common to think that what is green should not be part of our diet. What’s more, there are those who reject its flavor without even tasting it . Now, if they do not introduce these types of products into their diet, they will not have the energy or strength to feel healthy over the years. There are nutrients, for example, that can only be found in vegetables. And, although these sometimes have a bad reputation, without a doubt , delicious recipes can be made from them that will make us feel good both inside and out .

Chard properties

Chard boasts a multitude of properties . It is a food that is not usually consumed on a daily basis, but it is delicious if it is cooked properly and helps us to strengthen our body so that nothing can resist us. Therefore, we must analyze what our body needs to be able to offer it day after day . One of the essential things is vegetables. It is very common to reject it, but when we know what it offers us and that its flavor can be delicious if we cook it to our liking, the quantities we eat begin to increase. In this way, in a short time its benefits become evident . Do you want to know what they are? We tell you.

propiedades de la acelga

Very nutritious food

Chard stands out for being a very nutritious food . If you eat two hundred grams, which would be a normal portion, this food would provide your body with 38 calories , that is, 2% of what the body needs on a daily basis. Likewise, they are capable of covering more than 25% of the needs of the body regarding potassium, 30% calcium, almost half magnesium, 100% vitamin C, two thirds of A, 25% of vitamin E and, also, up to 8% protein.

If we compare the properties of chard with that of spinach, it is much more appreciated. But nevertheless, the former has more provitamin A, more magnesium, the same vitamins B1 and B2, and more folic acid. In this way, it is shown that we are facing a really surprising food . The main reason is that the ratio of calories to nutrients is 1 to 10 . Meanwhile, in other foods the relationship is completely the opposite.

Benefits of Swiss chard

Our ancestors knew that chard had many properties and that it brought many benefits to the body . In this way, it was very common for them to include it in stews or to accompany it with tubers or some cereals. Thus, they provided the body with what it needed without having to ingest unnecessary calories.

The only negative point we can say about chard is that it has a little oxalic acid . This is the reason why it can cause kidney stones. Reason why its consumption must be controlled, especially those people prone to kidney problems. Chard boasts shiny green leaves with antioxidant properties. This, added to the fact that it is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, makes it a great ally when it comes to preventing diseases such as cancer . It also has other benefits, including:

  • Stronger bones : Thanks to the fact that chard is rich in minerals, it is undoubtedly a food that helps increase the strength of the bones. Thus, it is recommended for all those who do not consume milk or other dairy products. Thus, they become an excellent source of calcium.
  • Weight loss : People who want to follow a low-calorie diet can opt for chard, leaving hunger aside, as it satisfies the appetite with hardly any calories. For this reason, many professionals recommend a plate of chard for dinner seasoned in oil and lemon, boiled or sautéed.
  • Avoid constipation : Those who have difficulties in intestinal transit should bet on chard. These are high in fiber. Likewise, they boast of an intestinal power that helps to smooth the digestive processes. Thus, whoever suffers from hemorrhoids or gastritis, should bet on this vegetable.
  • Combat anemia : Taking into account that it has high amounts of iron, even copper, it is capable of coping with anemia. In addition, iron will be better absorbed by the body thanks to the fact that it would be accompanied by vitamin C, a property of chard in abundance.
propiedades de la acelga

Swiss chard in the kitchen

When chard is used for cooking , it is done in a similar way to spinach. What’s more, there are those who bet on mixing both foods in creams, tortillas or fillings, among other products. Thus, its flavors are balanced. One step that you should not skip is that, before cooking it, it is very important to wash it well in cold water . The reason is that it usually contains soil. One way to make it is with a drizzle of olive oil, with raisins and with pine nuts. On the other hand, it is also ideal to combine it with tofu or walnuts in a salad.

On the other hand, it is recommended to cook it with potatoes or boiled rice . In this way, it would be a very healthy and satisfying dish. If you are looking to make a delicious vegetable broth, you can use its stems and green leaves, which are excellent for this purpose. Similarly, if you want to season them properly, go for thyme, oregano, nutmeg, spearmint and, of course, garlic .

How to cook them

Typically, people cook chard by cooking it in plenty of salted water . This takes a few minutes to do. Next, you have to drain them and then follow the steps of the recipe you want to make. Now, if you want the loss of nutrients to be reduced to the maximum, cook it only with the water that has remained after washing, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon and without covering the pan. It is a way to intensify its flavor and improve its color . If you want, you can season them with a splash of apple or lemon cider vinegar.

In the event that the chard stalks are hard , there is the possibility of cutting them separately. Thus, they can be boiled a few minutes before, then introducing the leaves. Keep in mind that, when you cook them, their volume decreases a lot . For this reason, it is recommended to use about 350 grams of raw chard for each diner.

propiedades de la acelga

How to prepare the stalks

When preparing the stalks , which are highly appreciated by those who understand the properties of chard , they can be battered and are delicious. However, there are those who prefer to eat them alone or stuffed. To achieve this, the first step is to remove the fibers from the ribs. The stems are then cut into pieces that are approximately three centimeters long. Now, it is time to put them in a saucepan with plenty of water, adding a little salt , and let them cook for half an hour.

When this time passes, drain them and flour each stalk . In order for the excess to fall, you will have to shake each one of them. Then, pass them through beaten egg and fry them in a frying pan that contains plenty of oil. On the other hand, there are people who prefer to serve raw stalks in salad or with sauces.