The most common methods of transmission of the Human Papilloma Virus

HPV is a mixture of 150 different viruses , which, when they come together in the body, react to give rise to the spread of the human papillomavirus and the characteristic symptoms of the HPV disease.

Of the 100 types of papillomas that are known today, it has been determined that not all of them are aggressive, presenting some passive symptoms of the disease or even being inside the host without activating and without presenting any symptoms.

Unlike other diseases that are categorized as STDs or sexually transmitted diseases, the human papillomavirus cannot be prevented with the use of condoms, since, although it is normal that in most cases the condom prevents contagion , this does not guarantee 100% prevention.

Introduction of the HPV virus into the human body

It is a virus belonging to a family known to have double-stranded information such as DNA, and characterized by affecting the skin and mucosa of the reproductive genitalia.

As we have already mentioned, HPV is not similar to other sexually transmitted diseases, and it can be spread with contact without having to expose the genital area to secretion during intercourse.

For this reason, the use of a condom to combat this virus is useless, since it can be spread by any wound located in the intimate area, no matter how small, and that when contacting the infected area of another person will lead to the imminent contagion and therefore the transport of the virus.

This contagion can be produced by body secretions, mucous membranes, intercourse and even oral sex , so the types of infections can be summarized as the following.

virus del papiloma humano o vph

Situations with a high risk of contagion of the Human Papilloma Virus

Have multiple sexual partners

By having sexual intercourse with several different partners, the probability of contagion of the different viruses that make up the disease increases, or on the contrary, increases the chances of finding a partner who is a passive carrier of the disease, that is, that he has it but he has not realized that he has it because it has not manifested itself in it.

Increased risk with promiscuous partners

Having relationships with a person who we know has had sexual relations with several different partners increases the chances of being able to get this STD. As in the previous case, the chances of being able to catch the viruses that make up the human papilloma disease or the disease itself, increase considerably in relation to the sexual partners that the person has had.

Maintaining unprotected relationships

Although it is not one of the main causes of contagion of this disease, since it spreads through the body fluids of the genital areas and the simple friction can cause contagion; It is recommended to always take precautions when having sexual intercourse, thus protecting not only from the spread of HPV but from many other sexually transmitted diseases that the person with whom we are going to have intercourse may have caught.

Weak immune system

Believe it or not, having a depressed and weak immune system affects its response against diseases, causing the spread of the disease. This is due to the fact that the immune system is so weak that it will not have enough strength to fight it, which can cause it to be affected by the disease, and all the symptoms to be able to begin to counteract it.

In some cases there may be a latency period in the disease, which remains undetectable in the body of a host, but in these cases the system is so weak that the manifestation of the disease always occurs.