The importance of winter sun protection

When we think of sun protection, the hot months and the most central hours of the day always come to mind. The sun is not our enemy, in fact it provides us with vitamin D, but the excess can damage the skin if the necessary measures are not taken.
Sun protection is also necessary in cold weather, even though you don't notice any visible effects (such as tanned skin or burns). Surely you have heard the experts say that cloudy days are the most dangerous because we lower our defense against UVA rays.

In winter, although we do not perceive the heat, the radiation affects equally. Take special caution if you play sports in snowy places, since the ice has a screen effect and multiplies the risks of burning our skin.

protección solar en invierno

What happens when we play sports in the snow?

As we said before, the sun reflects its rays on surfaces such as snow, water or grass, so its effects multiply. It is necessary (and mandatory) to wear sunscreen at all times, preferably with the greatest possible effect (SPF +50). In addition, in winter, the skin is usually drier. Do not forget to hydrate yourself correctly with water to restore the best version to your skin.

It is important to you that we protect our skin from the sun and its ultraviolet radiation in the form of UV-A, UV-B and UV-C rays. And although, fortunately, the atmosphere absorbs much of this radiation and most of the ultraviolet C rays do not reach the Earth's surface; There is between 5 and 10% of type B that our skin can reach.
UV-A rays are the most damaging, both due to the impact on the skin (more than 90%) and the penetration into the dermis (20%).

The biggest problem is not that we have burns, but the memory effect that our cells perform and that will affect over time. Solar radiation reaches the DNA and can alter it, increasing the chances of developing skin cancer.
In addition, in the case of people who perform activities in the snow, such as skiing and snowboarding, they are exposed to a reflection of almost 80% of ultraviolet radiation. In the case of sand, for example, it is only 25%.

Key tips to protect your skin in winter

  1. Use physical sunscreens instead of chemical ones . Sunscreen creams with physical filters block the sun's rays; instead, chemical filters absorb radiation. Although physical filters may be more difficult to apply, they offer better protection. In addition, they irritate the skin less.
  2. Watch your sweat. It is advisable that you get a cream that penetrates well into the skin and that does not expel quickly with sweat. Even so, it is necessary that you renew the application after two hours.
  3. Protect your lips . This part of the body is one of the most affected by cold and wind. Having lips cut is very annoying, so stay well hydrated and apply some lip balm with sun protection.