The hunger switch is in the brain

New research has answered a problem that affects millions of people around the world. One of the main causes of obesity is the lack of satiety. Now, a study has determined that the hunger switch is in the brain and they have discovered the fault, so they can create a specific drug with a higher percentage of success.

We have to start at the beginning and that is the melanocortin receptor 4, better known as the MC4 receptor. This is found in the hypothalamus (brain region) as part of a group of neurons responsible for calculating the energy balance of our body .

In short, when MC4 is activated it is sending the brain a feeling of satiety and when it is deactivated it means that we are hungry and that is because the neurons determine that the energy balance is low.

If this process fails we will never feel satiated, and this is why severe obesity drugs focus on MC4. Thanks to this medication, the operation of the switch can be regulated, which was not known exactly how it worked until now.

Un hombre con obesidad comiendo una hamburguesa

One of the causes of obesity is a genetic mutation

The study began with a family where there were numerous members affected by severe obesity. The researchers realized the genetic mutation that affected that family. Throughout the study, the researchers saw that the current drug acted more specifically and potently than the natural hormone responsible for activating the hunger switch.

They also found that this drug had an exemplary and fascinating helper in the form of a calcium ion that aided the natural hormone of satiety. What calcium does is activate MC4 to indicate to the brain that we are satisfied, while it interferes in the reaction of the hunger hormone and weakens its performance.

The idea is to be even more precise and design anti-obesity drugs that, in turn, work only with MC4, avoiding adverse effects by interacting with other similar receptors of the same family.