The Definitive Guide to the Noom Diet

The Noom diet, since its inception in 2008, has tried to build its reputation on its advances in weight loss, arguing that a person who follows this diet and follows its advice on healthy habits can lose 0.5 to 1 kg per week.

All this happens thanks to a digital platform that provides the necessary tools to maintain a diet. However, to judge the Noom diet with your own criteria, you should know more about it; from its operation to its many benefits.

Therefore, we present you the definitive guide to the Noom diet .

¿De qué trata la dieta Noom?

What is the Noom diet?

According to its creators, the Noom diet is not so much a diet but a lifestyle because s and focuses on changes in nutritional habits. To carry it out, they developed an application called Noom that you can download to your mobile phone or tablet, which provides the following:

  • Educational information and weekly challenges on nutrition topics, stress management, goal setting, and building healthy habits.
  • Tools so you can track your progress by tracking your meals, exercise regimen, and body weight.
  • A virtual training team, among them; a goal specialist, a coach, and a support group.
  • Biometric tracking that monitors blood sugar and blood pressure

If you want to try it without paying the full price of € 40.40 per month, you can use the 14-day trial for only € 0.90.

Review de la dieta Noom

How does the Noom diet work?

Like the rest of the diet plans, Noom proposes weight loss through calorie restriction. This occurs when a person consumes fewer calories than they burn per day.

Noom estimates a number of calories needed per day based on your gender, age, height, weight, and answers to a series of questions about daily habits. From there and depending on your goals and available time, Noom uses its algorithm to create an estimate of the calories you need on a daily basis. This is called a calorie budget.

However, for safety reasons and to maintain proper nutrition, the app is not allowed to assign less than 1,200 calories a day for women or 1,400 for men. On the other hand, Noom encourages the registration of your food and daily weighing, which, according to different experts, are two self-control behaviors associated with weight loss and maintaining it in the long term (Pacanowski, Bertz & Levitsky, 2014) .

El funcionamiento y las reglas de la dieta Noom

Does the Noom diet help you lose weight?

The truth is that any calorie-restrictive diet will make you lose weight if you follow it with good behavior. However, health experts say that staying true to a diet like this is very difficult for many people, especially since these regimens are difficult to maintain (Thomas, Hyde, Karunaratne, Kausman & Komesaroff, 2008).

Although we do not yet have any studies that have compared the results of the Noom diet with other similar diets , we do have information on Noom users.

In an investigation of 36,000 Noom users, it was found that 78% experienced weight loss while using it for 9 months, and 23% of them experienced more than 10% loss of their initial weight. In addition, they found that those who used the registration of their food and weighed themselves daily had better results in weight loss (Chin et al., 2016).

However, further research is needed in this regard.

Cómo perder peso con la dieta Noom

3 benefits of the Noom diet

1. Focuses on nutritional and caloric density

The Noom Weight Loss System emphasizes caloric density, a measure of how many calories a food or drink provides relative to its weight or volume. From there, the system categorizes each meal in different colors based on its concentration of calories and nutrients.

Foods dense in calories contain more of them in a small serving; while those low in caloric density have fewer calories in large foods.

In general, diets that lead to reduced appetite and weight loss have more low-calorie foods such as fruits and vegetables.

Densidad nutricional y calórica en la dieta Noom

2. No food is forbidden

By restricting entire food groups, all you do is produce eating disorders or obsessive behaviors around food. For this reason, Noom takes a completely opposite perspective and offers flexibility by allowing no foods.

There are 2 reasons for this measure:

  1. For realistic reasons, as desserts and delicacies are difficult to keep away for a long time.
  2. Because there are calorie dense products like walnuts that have important nutrients for the body.

In addition, the Noom system determines which foods and recipes are appropriate for you based on your allergies or intolerances.

3. Promote behavioral changes

The path to good health is not only about losing weight, but also about adopting new healthy habits that last for a long time. Without these changes, it would be impossible to maintain the results of any diet, and this is what happens to many people.

In fact, a set of 29 studies found that people regain 33% of their lost weight 1 year after the event, and 79% regain it after 5 years (Anderson, Konz, Frederich & Wood, 2001).

Los cambios de comportamiento incentivados por la dieta Noom


In most cases, people lose hope when a diet doesn’t work, but the reality is that you can only experiment until you find the one that works for you. For this reason, Noom equips you with the best tools so that you can live your life with better habits and gives you the necessary education so that you do not make the same nutritional mistakes in the future.


  • Anderson, JW, Konz, EC, Frederich, RC, Wood, CL (2001). Long-term weight-loss maintenance: a meta-analysis of US studies. The American journal of clinical nutrition. doi: 10.1093 / ajcn / 74.5.579
  • Chin, SO, Keum, C., Woo, J., Park, J., Choi, HJ, Woo, J. and Rhee, SY (2016). Successful weight reduction and maintenance by using a smartphone application in those with overweight and obesity. Scientific reports. doi: 10.1038 / srep34563
  • Pacanowski, CR, Bertz, FC and Levitsky, DA (2014). Daily Self-Weighing to Control Body Weight in Adults: A Critical Review of the Literature. SAGE open. doi: 10.1177 / 2158244014556992
  • Thomas, SL, Hyde, J., Karunaratne, A., Kausman, R. and Komesaroff, PA (2008). “They all work… when you stick to them”: A qualitative investigation of dieting, weight loss, and physical exercise, in obese individuals . Nutrition Journal. doi: 10.1186 / 1475-2891-7-34