The black nail on the feet, why does it come out?

If you are a regular runner or athlete, surely you have ever suffered the strange case of putting on both feet a single black nail. And not only black, but lifting or breaking them. We are going to tell you why this happens and how you can avoid its appearance.

What is the black nail?

As its description points out, the nail acquires that purple, dark red or black color due to the strong impact it receives or to repeated microtrauma. If you are thinking that it is like a bruise that comes out on your skin when you give yourself a blow, you are correct. The color is "thanks" to the accumulation of blood under the nail, which we can alleviate or leave so until it falls off.

It is common to happen in sports that are based on running or kicking a ball, but this does not exclude that it also happens in other disciplines due to other factors such as sneakers or socks.

Causes of its appearance

If we talk about runners , the footfall and the repeated strides are what cause it. The toes have to absorb the impact of the ground and do it thousands of times in a workout, so that micro-trauma ends up forming. If you notice, the foot is "compressed" between the sole of the shoe and the part that goes above the nail; This means that the fingertips can only cope with the impact from below and from the sides, but never from above since the nail is the one that covers it.
This problem is usually caused by long-distance or uneven runners, but it is also quite frequent in running novices because they have not learned the footstep technique.

As for footballers , it is quite obvious that their appearance is due to the repeated kicks given to the ball. Also, the boots they wear do not have the same cushioning as running shoes, they are harder at the base due to the use of cleats.
And as you may have also thought, ballet dancers suffer the most. Imagine the pressure your whole body exerts on your toes resting on a toe made of pressed material.

As you can see, it doesn't take a marathon to have black nails. It is enough not to choose a good shoe or a rigid toe to favor its resurgence.

Can i avoid it

Yes and no. There is no key to avoid having a black nail, but you can reduce its aggravation. Also assume that there may be a "price" you have to pay for the training, in some cases. Do not be complex and learn to value your effort.

Proper footwear is one of the first things you should consider. It is no longer just looking that the shoe has a correct cushioning, but that they are your size. If you have smaller shoes, you will make the impacts evident; if they are bigger, your foot will "dance" and will not have a suitable support.
Socks also play a role. Bet on ones without seams and that do not tighten too much, you should not notice tightness.

Logically, taking good personal care will help it not happen. Do not wear your nails too long, try not to exceed the level of the finger and cut them straight so that they do not get nailed when growing.
If you are embarrassed about having a black nail, you can camouflage it by painting them all the same color. But keep in mind that if you have not previously treated it, it will end up falling.