The best exercises to relieve gallstones

Yoga, along with other physical exercises, is a natural and effective way to relieve any discomfort and pain associated with gallstones in the gallbladder until the particles dissolve on their own, with medication or surgery.

Choosing yoga poses that focus on improving blood circulation will activate enzymes in the small and large intestines, support liver function, and stretch the back, abdomen, and spine. Experts recommend exercising to improve gallbladder function.

Does inactivity cause gallstones?

Obesity can increase a person’s risk of developing gallstones. The most common types of gallstones are cholesterol gallstones, which usually appear yellow in color and form when there is an overload of cholesterol in the bile that is stored in the gallbladder. Excessive accumulation of cholesterol can result in the formation of crystals and eventually stones.

In one study, researchers found that a high BMI was associated with an increased risk of gallstones, and this association is stronger for women. Researchers say that obesity may be a precursor to gallbladder disease because abdominal fat mass can cause gallbladder hypomotility (decreased movement of the gallbladder) and biliary stasis (when bile cannot flow out of the gallbladder). efficiently), another risk factor for gallstone formation.

ejercicios buenos para calculos biliares vesicula

Good exercises for the gallbladder

We may not be able to remove gallstones, but we can work on managing gallstone pain. Yoga is one of those ways that keeps your overall digestion smooth and on track. Here are some yoga poses for pain caused by gallstones or gallbladder attack.

cobra pose

Performing Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana will help relieve pain associated with inflammation related to gallstones. It allows a deep abdominal stretch and strengthens the back and upper body.

  1. We will place the palms of the hands on the ground directly below the shoulders. We will bend the elbows back and put them to the sides.
  2. We will pause for a moment looking down at the mat with the neck in a neutral position. Let’s anchor the pubic bone to the ground.
  3. We will inhale to lift the chest off the ground. We will move our shoulders back and keep our ribs low on the ground. We will make sure that the elbows remain close to the sides. We will not let them open to the sides anywhere.
  4. We’ll keep the neck neutral. We will not upload it. The gaze must remain on the ground.

Sarvangasana or candle pose

Sarvangasana or shoulder stand is a very effective pose for improving gallbladder function and helping the body get rid of gallstones.

  1. Exhaling, we will raise the legs together enough to form a right angle with the body. We will keep the knees straight and the body on the hip joint on the ground without disturbing it.
  2. In this phase, still exhaling, we will raise our arms and hold our waist and push our body up as far as possible. We will put all the weight of the body on the arms and rest on the elbows, with the legs thrown up.
  3. When this position is firmly secured, through careful manipulation, we will try to move the hands slowly towards the waist, with the fingers extended towards the back of the hip bones and the thumbs pressing lightly on either side of the navel.
  4. We will place the chin in the jugular notch and place all the weight on the shoulders, neck and the back of the head (final position). We will complete the above steps in 4 seconds, while exhaling.
  5. We will maintain this posture for as long as it is convenient, but not more than two minutes, we will breathe slowly normally.

Shalabhasana or the locust pose

Locust Pose or Shalabhasana is a pose that improves blood circulation, treats gallstones substantially and greatly benefits gallbladder function. It activates the healthy function of the intestines and enzyme-secreting glands, as well as the gallbladder.

  1. For the initial position, we will lie on the floor or on the yoga mat face down and we will keep the arms by the sides of the body with the palms of the hands facing down.
  2. Now, while we inhale, we will raise the upper part of the torso and the legs.
  3. When raising the legs, we will make sure that the knees are straight and the arms are raised along the body.
  4. We will make sure that the weight of the body rests on the lower ribs, abdomen and pelvis.
  5. Now, we will try to hold the salabhasana yoga pose for a few breaths.
  6. Slowly lower your legs and head to the ground and return to the starting position.

Dhanurasana or bow pose

Dhanurasana or bow pose is helpful for gallbladder and various organ functions as it provides internal therapeutic massage. This asana strengthens your back and abdominal muscles while providing a deep stretch.

  1. We will lie face down with the feet apart, in line with the hips and the arms at the sides of the body.
  2. We will bend our knees, bring our hands back and grab our ankles.
  3. We will inhale, lift the chest off the ground and pull the legs up and back.
  4. We will look forward.
  5. We will keep the posture stable while paying attention to the breath. The body is now curved and as taut as a bow.
  6. We will continue to take long, deep breaths as we relax in this pose, but only bend as far as the body allows.
  7. After 15 to 20 seconds, as you exhale, gently bring your legs and chest to the ground. We’ll drop the ankles and relax.

Supta Matsyendrasana or spinal twists

Supta Matsyendrasana stretches the glutes, chest, and obliques. Due to the chest stretch, it is considered a heart opener. It improves the mobility of the spine and can help digestion. It is a relaxing pose at the end of a yoga session. In everyday life, posture will be almost an antidote to sitting and slouching at work.

  1. We will lie on our backs.
  2. We will bend our knees and place the soles of our feet on the floor with our knees pointing towards the ceiling.
  3. We will press the feet to raise the hips slightly from the ground and we will move them a few centimeters to the right. This is an important step because it prepares the hips to stack on top of each other as we move into the turn.
  4. We will exhale and bring the right knee to the chest and extend the left leg to the ground. We will keep the left foot actively flexed throughout the pose.
  5. We will exhale again and cross the right knee over the midline towards the floor on the left side of the body. The right hip is now stacked on top of the left hip. We can hook the right foot behind the left knee.
  6. We will open your right arm to the right, keeping it in line with the shoulders. We will rest the left hand on the right knee or extend it to form a T with the arms. We will turn the palms of the hands towards the ceiling.
  7. We will turn our heads to the right, taking our gaze over our shoulder to the tips of the fingers of our right hand.
  8. On the exhalations, we will release the left knee and the right shoulder towards the ground.
  9. Hold the pose for five to 10 breaths.