The 5 healthiest types of cheese

Cheese is a dairy product that is produced by adding acid or bacteria to the milk of various farm animals and then processing the solid parts. This one comes in hundreds of different textures and flavors.

Cheese is a food that, with its important nutritional properties, is a great source of proteins of high biological value, it provides us with calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A and D. It can even help us lose weight and prevent heart disease and osteoporosis. However, it also contains large amounts of calories and saturated fat, so it all depends on the type, quality and how our body reacts to each type of cheese .

Discover which are the 5 healthiest types of cheese , their properties and how it could benefit your body.

¿Pueden los quesos ser saludables?

5 healthier cheeses

1. Mozzarella

Mozzarella is a soft white cheese with a high moisture content. It originated in Italy and is generally made from Italian buffalo or cow’s milk.

This cheese offers other health benefits, in addition to vitamins and minerals, as it is a good source of protein, which is important for energy and maintenance of muscle mass.

On the other hand, the calcium found in it also contributes to weight loss and provides protection against breast cancer and metabolic syndrome, which is a group of conditions that increase the risk of developing heart disease or stroke. .

Mozzarella tastes delicious in Capresa salad, made with fresh tomatoes, basil, and balsamic vinegar, and can be added to many other recipes as well.

Beneficios del queso mozzarella para la salud

2. Blue cheese

Blue cheeses are a family of cheeses that stand out for their specks or streaks of blue color, which can sometimes also include grayish tones.

The process that gives rise to blue cheeses arose accidentally when storing cheeses in humid environments, giving favorable characteristics for the growth of molds and non-pathogenic bacteria; that is to say, harmless. These microorganisms feed on the cheese, digesting and transforming it into a variety with different textures, flavors and aromas.

Since blue cheese is high in calcium , a nutrient necessary for optimal bone health, adding it to your diet can help prevent bone-related health problems. In fact, adequate calcium intake is linked to a reduced risk of osteoporosis, which causes bones to become weak and brittle.

Blue cheese tastes great on burgers, pizzas, and salads made with spinach, walnuts, and apples or pears.

El queso azul promueve la salud ósea

3. Feta cheese

This cheese of Greek origin is made with goat and sheep milk, and it is considered a fresh cheese because it does not age or is cured. It is produced in blocks and is firm to the touch; however, it can flake when cut.

Feta cheese is low in calories and fat , not forgetting that it is also a good source of B vitamins, calcium and phosphorus. Additionally, feta, like all whole dairy products, provides conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is associated with reduced body fat and improved body composition. In fact, feta and other cheeses made from sheep’s milk tend to have more CLA than other cheeses.

One of the most common ways to bring it to the table is in a salad. You can add a few cubes to a tomato and cucumber salad, along with a drizzle of virgin olive oil.

Beneficios del queso griego feta

4. Cottage cheese

Also known as Ricotta, it is obtained after the second processing of whey. It is white in color, grainy and white in texture, and has a mild flavor.

It is considered a cheese by many, although the exact definition would be a dairy that comes from curdled whey. For this reason, all the milk proteins that remain in the whey are concentrated to form the cottage cheese. In addition, due to the fact that it does not mature, as is the case with cheeses, its water percentage is high (80%) and its fat content is very low. Its protein concentration is also 3 times higher than in milk.

But these are not the only nutritional advantages of cottage cheese , but its contribution of vitamins and minerals is very valuable for the body, since its content of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A and B complex, are essential ingredients for the correct neuromuscular functioning.

It tastes great on toast, mixes into smoothies, is added to scrambled eggs, or used as a base for sauces.

Ventajas nutricionales del requesón

5. Parmesan cheese

Parmesan cheese is a hard, aged cheese that has a gritty texture and a salty, nutty flavor. It is made from raw, unpasteurized cow’s milk that is aged for at least 12 months to kill harmful bacteria and produce a complex flavor

Given its high amount of protein, Parmesan cheese is a food recommended especially for muscle development. It is also recommended during childhood, adolescence and pregnancy, since in these stages, a greater contribution of this nutrient is necessary.

In addition, because it is a food rich in calcium and phosphorus, it helps to keep our bones and teeth healthy, as well as a balanced skin since it helps to maintain the natural PH.

Due to its high phosphorus content, this cheese helps to have greater physical resistance, and also contributes to improving the biological functions of the brain.

Lastly, being rich in vitamin B2, it can help overcome migraines and is beneficial for maintaining good eye and skin health. They are also useful for improving nervous problems such as insomnia, anxiety or stress.

Beneficios del queso parmesano para el organismo


The kinds of cheeses that we can find are innumerable. The flavor, texture and aroma of each of them results from the confluence of factors as diverse as the type of milk used, its origin or the way it is made.

However, despite the fact that these can bring numerous benefits to health, we must not lose sight of their fat and sodium content, especially in people with high blood pressure or who must follow sodium-restricted diets.


  • Streit, L. The 9 Healthiest Types of Cheese. For Healthline. [Revised March, 2019].