The 5 habits that can break your concentration

Concentration is essential for all the activities we carry out, especially for the acquisition of new knowledge, attend to difficult situations that may arise and get out of them well, do a good job, or simply when some activity is going to be carried out. sporty. Therefore the importance of knowing how to strengthen care .

However, just as there are some habits that can improve mental concentration, there are also some external factors and habits with which the ability to concentrate can be totally blocked or interrupted.

Find out what habits may be affecting your concentration.
Actitudes que fomentan la desconcentración

5 habits that affect concentration

1. Not consuming enough water

Dehydration is one of the main causes of loss of concentration, this is due to the fact that a dehydrated person suffers from conditions such as headaches, hormonal imbalance and fatigue.

For this reason, it is recommended that you always stay well hydrated: scientifically it is proven that depending on the activity carried out and the weather conditions, humans need to drink approximately 50-75% of our body weight in ounces.

No tomar suficiente agua afecta a la concentración

2. Not getting enough sleep

The ability to concentrate can be seriously affected if the person does not get enough sleep. This happens because the brain needs to rest and recover from daily activities, and that recovery is obtained through quality sleep.

If a person does not sleep long enough, they lose the ability to maintain attention for long periods of time, as they will feel very tired and fatigued.

No dormir lo suficiente afecta la concentración

3. Consume high amounts of sugar and carbohydrates

Research affirms that the brain can suffer alterations due to the high consumption of sugary and processed foods, which can cause loss of concentration.

It is very difficult for a person to stop consuming sugar since it is a very powerful addictive, however, it is necessary to reduce its consumption as it can affect productivity, learning and concentration before and after consuming it.

This happens because sugar produces a rush of endorphins that makes us feel good temporarily, however sugar has the ability to significantly increase adrenaline levels and in turn prevents people from concentrating on a specific topic.

El azúcar puede hacerte perder la atención

4. Being addicted to social networks

It is scientifically proven that the exaggerated use of social networks can cause alterations in the mood and cause people to suffer from a low level of concentration . In fact, several programs have now appeared that help detach from communication networks due to the negative impact they generate on health.

A person addicted to social media can suffer loss of concentration for different reasons, among which the following can be highlighted:

  1. He constantly compares himself to others, even though he intellectually knows that the messages only show a part of a person’s real story.
  2. Evaluate their sympathy depending on their number of friends and followers, and the interactions they receive from them.
  3. Overloads the brain with a lot of information.
  4. You withdraw from social relationships that are offline and then feel lonely.
  5. You start to have the need to manage multiple platforms and over time that becomes very routine, and you can feel out of control.

All these actions impair the ability to concentrate .

Las redes sociales impiden tu concentración

5. Perform many tasks at the same time

It is not recommended that you perform several tasks at the same time, especially in those moments that require all your concentration.

It is scientifically proven that when people try to perform two or more tasks at the same time , a decrease in performance is generated, while when they focus on a single objective, the left and right side of the brain work together, obtaining better results.

Consejos para mejorar la concentración


It is easy to believe that external factors are affecting our concentration; however the truth is that control over our focus is in our hands, since we have great control over the stimulus that enters our brain. So, if you want to be more focused and productive, you just have to change the habits that distract you.


  • Marissa Levin. 5 Bad Habits That Are Destroying Your Focus. For inc [Revised March 2017]