The 15 most tolerant and progressive countries

The world is a place full of environmental, social and above all cultural differences. From the conservative and religious lands of the Middle East to modern Japan, the conceptions according to which the world is built and reality vary to such an extent that something as simple as shaking hands with your partner can become a crime or a gesture of affected.

We are all so different and at the same time so similar that the only way to understand each other is by pushing oneself to know the social and cultural concepts that neighboring societies form. Many nations, over the years, have worked hard on this premise and today they can call themselves the 15 most tolerant and progressive countries.

Los países más progresistas y tolerantes del mundo

15 tolerant and progressive countries

1. Iceland

Better start at the top, right? The population of Iceland may not exceed 330,000 people, but it is undoubtedly the most advanced and egalitarian country in social and ecological matters .

Not only does it have the smallest pay gap when it comes to gender comparisons, but also 85% of its energy comes from renewable resources.

¿Qué países son los más tolerantes?

2. Finland

Compared to Europe, this small country may not seem like a big deal. However, the truth is that it has the advantage in terms of progress. Not for nothing was it awarded in 2016 as one of the countries with the highest rate of progress in health and safety.

País con mayor progreso en material de salud

3. Sweden

Although in many cases gender equality is seen as an unattainable dream, today it is a possibility in countries with such social tolerance as Sweden.

According to the informative web portal of The Local , this country reached in September of last year one of its objectives proposed in 1988: that 50% of the public administration is in charge of women . This fact made it worthy of third place in the Movehub ranking, which lists the most egalitarian countries in the world.

Países tolerantes de Europa

4. Norway

Are we talking about respect for fundamental human rights? Norway is part of the conversation. In 2016, one of the countries with the best educational quality and press freedom indexes was decreed.

países con mayor índice de calidad educativa

5. New Zealand

This country may not have international recognition of the same caliber as the countries already named, but it has a strongly protected ecosystem and impressive vegetation that make it worth the fifth place on this list of the most tolerant and progressive countries.

¿Cuáles son los países más tolerantes?

6. Slovenia

In ecological matters, this country is one of those that leads the way. It has one of the most comprehensive and well-applied environmental protection codes in the entire continent. However, all that glitters is not gold. In 2015, this country showed a setback in its process of evolution towards a more tolerant society with the rejection of a law that allowed people of the same sex to marry.

7. Switzerland

This country has always had good human development indices throughout its history. A stable economy and a modern and tolerant society earned it fifth place in the Social Progress ranking carried out by Movehub in 2016.

La cultura progresista de Suiza

8. Denmark

As one of the friendliest and most tolerant countries, Denmark entered the top 10 countries in the Movehub rankings with the best rates of social progress and business competition.

Vivir en Dinamarca

9. Ireland

Although neighbors, Ireland had the pleasure of rising a few good places above the United Kingdom in the Movehub rankings, making its way into the Top 10. Likewise, it obtained excellent marks in indicators related to higher education .

Los mejores países en materia de educación

10. United Kingdom

Despite the controversy that Brexit has generated and that continues to be talked about today, the United Kingdom has always performed well in its human development indices, especially in those related to personal rights, security, tolerance and inclusion.

Vivir en países tolerantes como Reino Unido

11. Canada

If you have American friends, you have heard jokes about Canada more than once. Well, it seems that now the tortilla has been turned. After the victory of Donald Trump in the presidential elections, thousands of Americans have moved to this country in search of the best living conditions it offers.

Progresismo canadiense

12. Portugal

Portugal’s economy may be fighting against the current at the moment, but its human development indices and GDP reflected a country that struggles to maintain certain levels of quality of life.

Países con mejor calidad de vida

13. Germany

The data from the Global Gender Gap Report do not lie: the 13th place in gender equality indices shows a high level of tolerance , despite the fact that its social progress indices leave much to be desired compared to countries with similar characteristics to yours.

¿Es Alemania un país progresista?

14. Latvia

Latvia? Seriously? This country may not be exactly the most popular with tourists, but its gender equality indexes make it one of the most tolerant countries on this list. Broad freedom of the press and information are just the icing on the cake.

Sociedad tolerante de Letonia

15. Australia

Although this is one of the most expensive countries with the best quality of life in the world, some things carry so much weight that they overshadow others. That is the case in Australia.

Although it has one of the highest rates of social progress due to its easy access to higher education and drinking water, the low percentages of gender equality, which barely reach 45%, leave much to be desired.

Países con mayor índice en progreso social


  • Hancock, E. The 25 most tolerant, progressive, and environmentally friendly countries in the world. For Business Insider [Reviewed July 2017].