The 10 most common types of travelers What are you?

A trip involves moving out of our comfort zone for a moment and opening ourselves up to new experiences . And it is that, when traveling we all have attitudes that can pigeonhole us within a particular group of travelers. That is why, below, we will talk about the 10 most common types of travelers. So that you can discover what type of traveler you are.

Most common types of travelers

1. He who embarks on an adventure without thinking too much about the consequences

We meet a kind of carefree traveler, who is also often called a ‘backpacker’ . And, these types of travelers just want to explore the world without more, money, or food is a problem for them, since they are living in the present and solving needs as they arise.

2. The one who wants to have everything coldly calculated

He is the type of highly organized and calculating traveler par excellence, the one who will never leave home if he misses some detail or his plans change. This is one of the 10 most common types of travelers. Furthermore, in unexpected situations they tend to panic, unable to improvise .

3. He who cannot leave home without his camera

We are facing another type of fairly common traveler, the photographer par excellence . These types of travelers are characterized both by wanting to immortalize all the places they visit on their cameras, as well as by taking a large number of selfies along the way. If you are this type of traveler, it is recommended that you bring extra batteries for your camera.

4.Eco-friendly traveler

Tipo de viajero ecológico

We are faced with the nature-loving traveler fleeing the metropolis in a hurry. That is why you will probably always see these types of travelers with a tent in their luggage. Since for them, it is much more worth enjoying a night contemplating hundreds of stars in the sky, than staying in a luxurious hotel with only 5 stars.

5. The one who needs to carry more than one suitcase of luggage

Although it is difficult to believe, these types of travelers are much more common than you can imagine. You can identify these types of people, because they usually carry luggage for almost a month’s stay for a short trip of a couple of days. So, if you do not know any type of traveler who meets this characteristic, be careful, as it could be you.

6. The stingy

Stingy or extremely thrifty travelers are those who see an opportunity to cut costs in anything. Thus, these types of travelers will not be ashamed to haggle for discounts , or even deprive themselves of some tastes in order to save money as much as possible.

7. The Tech Dependent

We introduce you to other of the 10 most common types of travelers that exist. And it is not surprising, since there are many people dependent on the digital world. That is why these travelers will always be geographically located and updated while their phones are on . However, the problem starts when they run out of battery.

8. The disoriented

This type of traveler has certain traits in common with the adventurer. However, unlike the previous one, these are characterized by being distracted people par excellence. So, you can distinguish them with relative ease. Since these travelers are the ones who always ask where they are and how long they need to reach their destination.

9. He who prefers to travel alone

viajero amante de la naturaleza

We’re almost done with this list, and we can’t put those ‘lone wolves’ aside. These travelers are characterized by enjoying solitude more than anything during a trip. And, traveling alone also has its charm. This is why many prefer to contemplate the landscape or the places they visit carefully, rather than being distracted by trivial conversations.

10. The group lover

Finally, and to close this list with a flourish, we find travelers who enjoy socializing during their travels. These also tend to be in the top 10 types of travelers. And, this type of traveler can be easily recognized by their personality , since they are usually quite charismatic, as well as conversationalists par excellence.

Which of the 10 most common types of travelers are you?

As you have been able to observe, there are different types of travelers, each of them characterized by quite particular attitudes. So, if you want to know what type of traveler you are, it is enough that after reading each of the statements carefully, analyze yourself a little and choose the group with which you usually feel identified the most .