Pull-up with rubber bands: how to do them correctly to improve

Mastering pull-ups isn’t just anyone . If you are starting to train, unless you have an innate ability, it is very likely that you will make the same mistakes as most. You will be able to do a pull-up, but with some technical improvement points still to be achieved. The elastic bands are, along with the machines to do assisted chins , one of the best supports to correct these errors . How to do the pull-ups with rubber bands correctly? Let’s look at the advice of the experts.

Common pull-up mistakes that you can correct and improve by doing rubber pull-ups

That chin-ups are complex exercises , nobody doubts it. In fact, therein lies part of their appeal for athletes: they are not available to everyone. To complete them you have to train, above all, the muscles of the arm and back. Still, even the most experienced athletes make some of these mistakes:

Drive with the body

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If you push yourself with a jump to reach the bar and balance to go up and overcome it , you are not doing a chin-up, since you are using the strength of the lower body and the abdomen, when the arms and lats work in the chin-ups.

Shorten stretches

The chin-up is only complete when you have returned to the starting position, or what is the same, you have fully stretched your elbow . Otherwise, you will be doing less movement. The pull-ups with rubber bands especially help to improve the position in the stretch. It is also not valid to count this type of pull-up as a complete one.

Trapeze overload

This occurs when we force the movement of the chin up with the shoulder . The contraction is such that you can feel your shoulders above your neck.

How to do rubber chin-ups to improve your training

Resistance bands are one of the best fitness accessories for learning how to do chin-ups correctly . How? They make the move more affordable. The rubber bands, as resistance, strengthen the muscles that articulate the exercise . The greater your body’s ability to do the pull-ups correctly, the greater number of reps and sets you will be able to do .

On the other hand, when it comes to an athlete with a certain background with chin-ups, doing them with rubber bands or elastic bands opens an interesting way to achieve greater progress , multiplying the intensity of the exercise.

Doing pull-ups with rubber bands manages to balance muscle tension during exercise , since the muscles are active for longer. That is, a more intensive crossfit exercise is achieved, releasing part of the weight both on the rise and on the descent.

What are the best rubbers for pull-ups?

In crossfit, closed and circular rubber bands are usually used, of different thicknesses and resistance depending on the level of the athlete. The greater the thickness, the greater the support surface will be to perform the pull-ups with rubber bands.

If this is the first time you are going to use elastic bands to do pull-ups, coaches recommend starting with the widest bands – look at the colors to identify them . Why? The explanation is very simple: it is more affordable to complete it.

How to do rubber chin-ups

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Once you have the right rubber, locate the chin-up bar. You have to tie the rubber so that it does not come loose. Keep in mind that it is not that you hang on it, but you will notice its strength and resistance. In the beginning, better those elastic bands that provide good resistance: they will make climbing easier.

When you have secured the rubber, grab the bar with your thumb underneath the bar, and put your foot inside the rubber. If you don’t feel confident, use two rubber bands combined, one to support each foot .

If you’ve already worked with rubber bands in chin-ups, you can rest your knee on the band. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and can focus on the correct execution of the exercise. With the bands below the knee, the tension will be less, and therefore also the resistance .

What resistance elastic band to buy?

If you are seriously considering buying an elastic band for pull-ups and other training exercises, you should first think about what level you are at. For beginners we recommend an elastic band with resistance 3 , if you weigh less than 70 kg, and resistance 5, if you are between 70 kg. and 100 kg.

In those athletes who have more experience or are capable of completing pull-ups, you can opt for bands with less resistance . If you regularly go to a training center, try several before making the purchase decision. Evaluate what the feelings are with each other.

The best offers of elastic bands to do pull-ups that we have found