Should you brush your teeth before breakfast?

In some movies we see how the protagonists prefer to brush their teeth as soon as they wake up, even if they have breakfast later. Knowing if this is a good habit could help improve oral health in the long run.

Dentists recommend that we brush our teeth twice a day for a full 2 minutes each time. But what these guidelines don’t recommend is exactly when to do it. To establish a brushing habit, many people brush their teeth at the same time each day. Brushing your teeth every morning and at night before bed seems to be the standard for most people. This simple schedule makes brushing a routine.

But what if you’ve been brushing your teeth the wrong way in your morning routine? Some experts say that brushing your teeth before breakfast is much more beneficial for tooth enamel and overall oral health. While no one wants to drink toothpaste-flavored coffee, it may be best for your teeth to do so.

It is better to brush your teeth before breakfast

There may be a scientific answer to this habit. While we sleep, the bacteria that cause plaque in the mouth multiply. That’s why we wake up with a musty taste and morning breath. Washing those bacteria directly with a fluoride toothpaste removes plaque and bacteria from your teeth. It also coats enamel with a protective barrier against acid in food.

We should avoid brushing our teeth after eating for at least 30 minutes if we eat something acidic. Breakfast foods and drinks, such as toast, juices, and coffee, meet the characteristics of acidic foods.

On the other hand, when we brush them first thing in the morning, we also reactivate the production of saliva. Studies have shown that after brushing your teeth, saliva production is increased for up to 5 minutes. Saliva helps food break down and naturally kills harmful bacteria in the mouth.

madre lavando los dientes a un niño

Wait half an hour after breakfast

If brushing our teeth after breakfast works best in our morning routine, we can continue to do so. However, there are some tips that we must keep in mind.

Brushing your teeth immediately after breakfast can coat your teeth with acidic food debris, weakening the enamel. Breakfast staples are some of the worst foods for tooth enamel. These are usually orange juice, citrus fruit, nuts, sliced bread or sweets.

Therefore, brushing your teeth can be especially harmful to your teeth if you do it immediately after breakfast. It is recommended to wait 30 minutes to an hour after eating to brush your teeth. In this way we make sure to protect the teeth without altering the enamel.

There are some specialists who also recommend drinking water or chewing sugar-free gum after eating to clean the teeth before brushing them.