Tips to relieve headache

Stress, the hours before the screens, the hectic pace of the days or worries, among other causes, can cause headaches . Once it appears, depending on its intensity, it can be truly incapacitating to carry out the daily routine. If this happens to you, pay attention to some tips to relieve the headache and continue with your tasks.

Generally, when we feel a severe headache, we usually turn to the medicine cabinet immediately. Always adopting this habit could be counterproductive and even more, with many natural resources within our reach. Today we are talking about some everyday gestures that, carried out in the right way, can dramatically alleviate your headache and help you feel better.

dolor de cabeza

Tips to relieve headache

There are many ways to mitigate headaches in a very effective way and without side effects. From inhaling certain aromas, to taking some food. We will tell you.

Scents that help you reduce discomfort

Essential oils are very useful in different circumstances. In this case, inhaling the aroma of lavender, rosemary or mint can be very useful to reduce headaches, since they have a calming effect that will help you feel better.

Hot water shower

A hot shower can help you release the accumulated tensions and stress that can be causing you discomfort. If you add lavender essential oil to the shower, the effect can be very effective. Using a thermal bag and putting it around the neck will also relieve you and make you feel better.

Cervical stretches

Many times headaches derive from an excessive accumulation of tension in the cervical area. Therefore, carrying out a series of daily stretches, even spontaneously, can prevent such maddening pain.

Relaxation and rest

When your headache is caused by tiredness, worries, or stress, the best thing you can do is take a break and rest. Many times the body sends us signals in order to listen to our own needs, which we sometimes ignore. Take time for yourself and don't take it as a whim, but as a necessity.


Chamomile is an infusion popularly known for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it is ideal when we feel bad or have a headache. It is also very good and easy to drink.

Discover some Foods to reduce the discomfort caused by migraines.