Pomodoro method: the technique to improve productivity

It is quite likely that we have heard of the pomodoro method, and no, it is not eating pizza until we are tired. It is a system that helps us concentrate and work or study by paying all our attention to a single task. It seems easy, but it has a very specific technique that we are going to explain little by little in this text.

At present it is difficult to be very concentrated due to the amount of stimuli that we have around us, from the mobile phone, the mail, the street cars, the messenger who knocks on the door, that call that we have been delaying for 2 days, the chat with co-workers, the ideas that come to mind, our dog or cat that begins to demand attention, etc.

It is difficult to focus on just one thing and it is not only that, but to be able to do it well and quickly to move on to another. In the end we are jumping from one task to another without finishing anything 100% and procrastinating every few minutes. At the end of the day we see that we could have been more productive if we had not lost so much time and what we do in 6 or 8 hours we could have done in 4 or 5.

And productivity is the thing, since the pomodoro method wants to bring out our full potential and make us productive workers and students in order to achieve all our objectives in a short time.

What is the pomodoro technique?

It is a method to promote productivity by studying or working. It was invented by Francesco Cirillo during his college years.

The young man did not realize it, but he was easily distracted and did not use his time efficiently, taking twice as long as normal. This is why he came up with this method that compelled him and helped improve his productivity.

Francisco picked up a tomato-shaped kitchen timer. At first he started with 10 minute intervals and tried to work 100% concentrated during that time. Its name comes from the kitchen clock that he used, since it was shaped like a tomato. In Italian pomodoro means tomato.

After several attempts he saw that it worked for him, so he increased the intervals and perfected his technique including breaks. Seeing that it worked for him, he commented on it with friends and family. Today it is a widely used study technique, especially for public examinations.

It is a method that can be used at all ages and often helps children a lot to concentrate and focus on a single task until it is finished, since many children find it difficult to concentrate when they are young and start with their first exams and so on.

Un cronómetro para el método pomodoro

How does pomodoro work?

As we have explained, it is about doing a series of time intervals to work super concentrated, eliminating all distractions and, after several productivity intervals, putting some rest. We are going to explain the step by step so that we can start it today.

  • The first is not mandatory, since it depends on our responsibilities, what we are studying, the type of work, etc. But the first thing is usually to make a list with the tasks that we have pending.
  • Then we need a stopwatch or timer to mark the blocks.
  • Each productivity block must be between 20 and 30 minutes.
  • At the end, we can rest between 5 and 10 minutes.
  • Every 4 blocks of concentration take a break of between 20 and 30 minutes.

We do not have to be overwhelmed, if we have a very long task, we do not have to do it in a single pomodoro, but we can do it in several. Nor do we have to force ourselves to be concentrated for 20 minutes, it may be difficult for us today, so we can lower the demand and re-educate our ability to concentrate. In such a way that within 15 days we can spend 30 minutes without raising our heads from the task that we have pending.

Pomodoro benefits

We are going to highlight some of its main benefits, but as we will see in the next section, it is not a suitable method for everyone, since we each have our own way of proceeding. In addition, it will depend a lot on the type of job we have . The pomodoro method is very useful for teleworking, especially if our tasks and obligations are stable, although it can also be extrapolated to other areas such as cleaning the house, for example.

Increase productivity

This method is really good if we want to be more productive and efficient, that is, do the same thing we have to do, but in less time than usual. We are surrounded by distractions, if we can reach the climax of this method, we will be faster and more autonomous than before .

It is not suitable for all jobs, but we can adapt it to the needs, the question is to get the best of ourselves, improve concentration and work or study in a conscious and direct way. Nor should we be overwhelmed if we see that this technique works for us, we will only say that we have to make a little effort at the beginning and then everything goes smoothly.

Decreases mental fatigue

Working at intervals and taking short breaks reduces mental fatigue. Likewise, pain in the back, shoulders, wrists, etc. are reduced. In those short breaks of 5 or 10 minutes we can go to the bathroom, answer messages or calls, read an email, stretch our legs, do squats or push-ups, wash a plate, feed the dog, etc.

In addition, motivation is increased by seeing that little by little we are managing to complete all the tasks that we have in the day. Instead of thinking about what to do now and what to do later and saying “I don’t like this”, “I don’t know where to start”, “I’m overwhelmed” and so on. This method relieves us of all that pressure and makes us start always giving 100%.

Una mujer haciendo el método pomodoro

Helps control distractions and time

Most of the time we waste time with nonsense, that if people in the street, the cat, an advertisement, music, mobile, etc. However, when we internalize this method we become aware of the amount of time that it flies away and does not return, since we do the same tasks as before, but in half the time.

With this technique we manage to make better use of time and be more efficient, in this way we can organize ourselves better because we know that we will fulfill it and we will cross out tasks and errands from the list.

Does it work for everyone?

The answer is no, and it is that each one has their own methods to achieve 100%, based on the fact that every day at work or in class is different, so today the pomodoro method can help us and tomorrow the same. we need more breaks because we are so overwhelmed with something.

We do not have to close ourselves to a technique. In fact, as a personal recommendation, if we have tried several methods and we cannot concentrate or be as productive as we need to be, it is advisable to consult a psychologist , since it may be stress or anxiety and we are not realizing it.

Anxiety manifests itself in a thousand different ways and deconcentration is one of them, so putting our heads in order can help us a lot in our day to day, to study and work 100% taking advantage of time.

In concentration there are several factors from diet, physical exercise, health, stimuli that surround us, fears, satisfaction, changes, all can affect our ability to concentrate and be productive.