The 7 foods richest in iron that you can consume

As we all know, iron is essential to keep us healthy and strong. It is a mineral whose main objective is to transport oxygen throughout the body and produce red blood cells . The fact that the body does not absorb this substance adequately can cause anemia . What's more, the feeling of fatigue can be constantly present. Therefore, in order to avoid all kinds of discomfort, throughout this article we are going to explain which are the foods richest in iron . You will feel that nothing can beat you.

The importance of iron for the body

The fact of ingesting iron in an adequate way allows us to have a greater athletic performance . Also, it is advisable to deal with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Not only that, but it helps increase reasoning ability, as well as learning . On the other hand, it is perfect for memory .

The consequences of a lack of this mineral can be serious. It usually occurs because the body depletes the iron available to some organs, such as the liver or muscles, causing the red blood cells to shrink. The latter has as a consequence that the blood carries less oxygen from the lungs , therefore, there is greater fatigue, forgetfulness, easier to contract infections and intestinal disorders. It is not common, since many foods have it, but there are times when this circumstance occurs and you have to face it. A good option is to improve your diet . Therefore, it is best that you continue reading to know what to eat in order to feel strong at all times.

Foods Higher in Iron

The foods richest in iron are very varied among themselves. So much so that you will have no problems when it comes to developing the diet that best suits your tastes and needs. These include vegetables, meat and fish , so it will be easy to steer clear of the deficit and stay healthy over time.

Alimentos más ricos en hierro

The seafood

Seafood has always been known to be as nutritious as it is delicious. There is a wide variety of products, but all of them are rich in iron. The oysters, clams and mollusks also stand out for being especially good. Now, it is true that depending on the type of clam, the amount of iron it has will vary.

The iron found in shellfish is defined as "heme . " It is the one that is absorbed by the body more easily; This is why it is so advisable. Likewise, shellfish are very healthy due to the nutrients they possess , even increasing HDL cholesterol in the blood. This is good for the heart.

The spinach

As has always been known, spinach is very healthy for health . In addition, they have very few calories, so they are highly recommended for any diet. It is true that it does not have heme iron , so the body does not absorb it as easily as in the previous product, but what they do have is vitamin C. Taking into account that the latter improves iron absorption, your body will appreciate this fusion.

On the other hand, they are rich in antioxidants , thus reducing the risk of cancer, eye diseases and infections.

Liver meat and other organs

The meat of the various organs of the animal body is very nutritious . The best known is the one that belongs to the liver, although that of the kidneys, the heart and the brain also stands out. Not only does it have this mineral, but it also claims to be rich in vitamin B, copper, protein and selenium . If we focus on the liver, it should also be noted that it has large amounts of vitamin A.

Alimentos más ricos en hierro

Likewise, it should be noted that organ meat is a source of choline . It is a very important nutrient for our body, as it helps the liver and brain to maintain extraordinary health.


Legumes have a multitude of nutrients. The most prominent are lentils, beans, chickpeas, peas, and soybeans . But not only that, but they also boast of having magnesium, folate and potassium . They are perfect for people who are diabetic and are also recommended to all those who want to prevent the risk of suffering from heart disease, especially if they suffer from metabolic syndrome .

It should also be noted that they are rich in fiber . The latter increases the feeling of satiety, so it helps you lose weight by not needing to consume so many calories. If you eat legumes for the iron they have, our advice is to do it with foods rich in vitamin C. These include vegetables, citrus fruits, and tomatoes .

Pumpkin seeds

Another of the foods richest in iron is pumpkin seeds . They are very tasty and, in addition, we can always take them with us due to their size. In this way, we can always have energy. On the other hand, they are an important source of zinc, vitamin K, magnesium and manganese .


If broccoli is characterized by something, it is because it is very nutritious. It is rich in vitamin C, folate, fiber and vitamin K. All this makes the iron absorbed in a simple way . Broccoli is part of the cruciferous family. It also includes Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflowers and kale . In this way, you can choose all these foods to obtain the above advantages. On the other hand, we cannot forget that they also boast indole, glucosinolates and sulforaphane . All of them help prevent diseases like cancer .

Dark chocolate

If you want to ingest iron in a very special way, opt for dark chocolate . It is as delicious as it is nutritious. Likewise, it stands out for having prebiotic fiber , which is responsible for feeding the good bacteria of the digestive system. Although surprising, it should be noted that it is also beneficial for cholesterol . Therefore, it is ideal for reducing the risk of stroke and heart disease.