Panela What is it and what benefits does it have over sugar?

Panela, also known as papelón, piloncillo, chancaca, rapadura, among others, is a product derived from sugar cane. Unlike sugar, panela does not go through a refining process . Because of this, this product contains minerals that white or refined sugar does not.

How is panela made?

As already mentioned, piloncillo is a product derived from sugar cane. For its elaboration, ripe sugar canes are selected to extract its juice . The sugarcane juice is subjected to high temperatures until molasses is obtained, which is then introduced into molds to shape the panela and wait for it to solidify.

In the case of sugar, the molasses goes through several refining processes until obtaining the white crystals that we all know. In many countries, especially in Latin America, piloncillo is used for the preparation of sweets , as a natural sweetener, preparation of beverages and much more.

The benefits of panela over sugar are often talked about. Despite this, many people do not know why, but continue to use this product. And it is that the belief that panela is better than sugar is widespread, and although it may be true, it is not entirely so.

Why is it said that panela has benefits over sugar?

Panela diferencia con el azúcar

Well, the papelón or piloncillo, by not going through a refining process, maintains many impurities. These impurities are what give this sweet its characteristic flavor and color. In addition to this, as it is not refined, it maintains many of the properties and vitamins of sugar cane.

Instead, sugar, when separated from molasses, is just pure glucose and sucrose, without any vitamin value. Now, the benefits of panela over white or refined sugar are the following:

Benefits of panela

  • It contains minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iron, and phosphorus.
  • It also contains, although to a lesser extent, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc, manganese, potassium and selenium.
  • It contains a wide variety of vitamins, including A, B, C, D and E.
  • It is very rich in vitamins of the B group or complex, such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, and others.
  • It is a completely natural product.
  • Ideal for preparing sweets, desserts and others.

As can be seen, this natural sweetener can provide our body with a large amount of vitamins and minerals. That is why the razor has an important nutritional value. However, it should be noted that, despite this, it is still a product with a high sugar content.

Thus, it is not that panela is healthier than sugar, it is only that it does have nutrients, that sugar does not. The papelón continues to be a sweetener that should be consumed in moderation. So, although panela may be better than sugar because of its nutritional level, it is not because it has less glucose, which is the case with stevia.