Oat bran What is it and why should you include it in your diet?

The so-called superfoods have become fashionable in recent years for their enormous nutritional load and their health benefits . Foods such as avocado or nuts have seen an increase in their purchases because more and more people include them in their diet, but the truth is that there are also cereals that fulfill these functions: one of them is oat bran , a great unknown . Discover all the benefits it brings to your health.

What is oat bran?

Oat bran is the outer covering of the oat grain . It may be harder to find than other oatmeal products, but you should be able to buy it at specialty or health food stores. Oat bran offers significant amounts of fiber, protein, and selenium and can be eaten alone, cooked in milk or water, or added to other foods such as baked goods, meat fillings, or in salads to increase overall fiber and nutrient intake. .

Nutritional load

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One cup of cooked oat bran provides 23% of the recommended daily allowance for fiber (5.7 grams), 14% for protein, and 8% for carbohydrates . As for fat, it contains only 2% and has practically no sodium or cholesterol.

In addition, it also provides 31% of the recommended daily amount of selenium, an important dietary mineral that combines with proteins to produce selenoproteins, which fight the effects of free radicals , reducing the risks of heart disease and cancer. Selenoproteins also help thyroid and immune function.

Benefits of oat bran for your body

Improves intestinal health

One of the biggest health benefits of incorporating oat bran into your diet is that it is high in soluble fiber, which sticks to water when digested and turns into a jelly-like substance that can help regulate digestive health . Eating oat bran regularly has been linked to reducing constipation and relieving symptoms associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBS) and Crohn’s disease.

The fiber in oat bran increases the fermentation activity in the intestine and the production of butyric acid, which is responsible for boosting probiotic bacteria and helping the elimination of nitrogen in the stool, which is also related to the outbreaks of both diseases (Crohn’s and irritable bowel). Other short-chain fatty acids formed from oat bran fiber have been linked to reduced risk of colon cancer.

Lowers cholesterol and protects the heart

Oat bran contains beta-glucan (also known as beta-glucan), a soluble fiber that has been linked to lowering cholesterol. This was initially discovered in a 1963 study that switched from white bread to oatmeal bread that contained 140 grams of bran.

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This study, as well as subsequent research, found that consuming oat bran regularly can help lower LDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, and Apolipoprotein B-100 (also known as apoB), a protein that is involved in metabolism. of lipid fatty acids and contributes to increasing LDL cholesterol levels.

Helps prevent diabetes

The soluble fiber found in beta-glucan slows the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates by creating a thick, sticky solution that, when mixed with other contents in the gastrointestinal tract, coats the intestines and helps delay the glucose absorption .

This delay in digestion helps keep blood sugar levels stable, which can lower the risk of diabetes and help those diagnosed with diabetes maintain stable blood sugar levels more consistently.

Promotes weight loss

Oat bran, because of its high fiber and protein content, can help you feel full for longer, which generally reduces the number of calories you eat per day . Additionally, the soluble fiber in oat bran also helps regulate levels of ghrelin, the hormone responsible for stimulating appetite , increasing food intake, and storing fat. By suppressing this hormone with a high fiber diet, you reduce the risk of overeating and the weight gain that comes with it.