Negative calories: your allies to lose weight?

When we talk about losing weight and dieting, there are many concepts that we must understand. In this way, we can take the appropriate steps and not harm our body during the process. One of the most prominent is the negative calories . Now, it is very common that society does not understand what they consist of, when they could help us maintain the line and strengthen health. There are many foods that boast of these negative calories that we just mentioned . However, before starting to take them without measure, we must understand what this concept refers to, in order to know how to use it to our benefit.

What are negative calories?

Foods that have negative calories are those that make the body burn more calories than they contribute during the metabolism process . All this is due to the fact that they have a very low caloric content. But what does all of the above mean? Simply that, the body, in order to digest this type of product, has to take part of its reserves. Therefore, professionals advise these foods that have negative calories to lose those extra pounds . In this way, they become an impulse when it comes to eliminating fat and losing weight.

Popular negative calorie foods

Foods with negative calories claim to be as rich in fiber as they are hypocaloric , as we have just described in the previous section. For these reasons, our body often has a hard time digesting them. In this way, you have to invest more energy to transform them. On the other hand, we cannot ignore that, in addition to the data that we have just provided about them, it must also be clear that foods with negative calories help to purify the body . They are also rich in antioxidants . So that you are clear about what some of them are, we describe them below.

calorías negativas

Vegetables, how many calories do asparagus have?

If we have to talk about the broader group of negative calorie foods we have to mention vegetables. These include cauliflower, celery, broccoli, watercress, spinach, carrot, and cucumber . So that you understand the relationship of the body with these foods, we are going to give you a clear example. Thus, asparagus has 18 calories per 100 grams.

But, taking into account that the caloric expenditure that the body makes to digest them is 30 calories, we can say that this food is part of those that make up the group of negative calories . In addition to this, it should be noted that asparagus provide the body with nutrients such as potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium . Likewise, they have fiber, helping the intestinal transit to develop properly; they are diuretics, and they have antioxidants. Likewise, we cannot forget that they are a source of vitamin E and C.

On the other hand, there are many professionals who say that it is better to eat raw vegetables , whenever possible. The reason is that when these foods are cooked, some of their properties can be lost. What’s more, sometimes your caloric intake is increased. Therefore, a good idea would be to include them in shakes or smoothies . Now, if you are going to cook them yes or yes, we recommend that you leave them al dente.

Fruits, how many calories does pineapple have?

Like vegetables, fruits are also very healthy, so it is necessary to eat them on a daily basis . In addition, they have also been classified as negative calorie foods . Some of the most prominent are pineapple, apple, melon, watermelon, and blueberries . Now, it is important to include them in the raw diet, that is, in their natural state. Moreover, it is preferable to eat the whole piece, rather than drink its juice, especially if the latter have some type of sweetener.

calorías negativas

If we focus on pineapple, we have to say that it only contains fifty calories. It also has a lot of fiber and has a high satiating power. Who wants to bet on a diet based on fruits, pineapple is highly recommended to take it into account . The reasons are, in addition to those we have already given, that it has minerals such as zinc, iron and magnesium, in addition to vitamins A, B and C. In this way, it becomes evident that it has antioxidant properties .

If you get tired of always eating raw pineapple, you have the opportunity to prepare various recipes with this product. It is true that its properties may not be so authentic; but, in the same way, it will help the organism to feel stronger.

Nuts, how many calories do they have?

As the vast majority of people know, nuts are high in calories . For this reason, a high percentage of people avoid this type of product from their diet. However, foods like almonds and walnuts require a lot of energy to be metabolized . In this way, nuts can be considered to be among those foods with negative calories .

In addition, we must add another positive aspect, and that is that they provide natural oils to the body. However, we recommend that you include nuts in your diet . Of course, without abusing. A similar situation occurs with dairy products that are low in fat, including low-fat yogurts, cereals such as rice and eggs.

Is it possible to eat a diet based on foods with negative calories?

The definition of negative calorie foods comes from the fact that they have few calories and that the body uses more energy to digest them. However, it is still a highly debated concept within the scientific community . In this way, you must always bear in mind that miracle diets do not exist and that eating foods with negative calories is not enough to lose weight.

The reason is that the body always needs a balance and, with this type of food, the body does not get everything it needs. Thus, it is necessary to emphasize that eating only products that belong to this group each day can be counterproductive .

calorías negativas

In this way, if you want to lose weight, the best ways to achieve it are to increase the amount of physical exercise that takes place during the day, avoid reducing very drastically what you eat each day and always consume fewer calories than you expend. . If you carry out these steps, you will undoubtedly meet your goal. Of course, you will need time to see results and feel as you had wanted in the beginning. On the other hand, it is necessary that you do not bet on extreme results, as it is a common cause of frustration .

Daily calorie consumption

Of course, foods with negative calories should be included in a weight loss diet because, in addition to boasting this characteristic, it should be noted that they are healthy. But, how many calories should be ingested in a healthy diet? It all depends on the demands and the state of each person, but we do not recommend that you go below 1800 calories for many reasons .

On the one hand, the body needs energy to cope with its routine activities, such as working, walking or shopping. On the other hand, the rebound effect is always dangerous . What does this mean? That there are people who last a few weeks eating very little. However, when they no longer feel like continuing with this type of diet, they return to eating the same calories as before starting the diet. In this way, the body reacts and gains weight.