Low Glycemic Fruits for Diabetics

Since diabetics have trouble controlling blood sugar in their bodies , sugar spikes worsen their condition and put them at higher risk for other of their organs to fail. Therefore, it is advised that people with diabetes consume fruits with a low glycemic index , that is, fruits with reduced levels of sugar.

The glycemic index is the value attributed to a food based on how quickly it releases glucose into the blood . If a particular food has a high glycemic index, it means that it releases energy into the blood at a faster rate and vice versa. A more rapid release of energy translates into a more pronounced rise in blood sugar levels, something that is not conducive to a person with diabetes.

Fruits are a healthy snack option for diabetics , since the human body does not easily assimilate the sugar and fructose they contain. Therefore, the rise in blood sugar is gradual and good for the system. Plus, fruits provide an excellent source of fiber and help you feel fuller for longer. This, in turn, leads to proper weight control and prevents obesity . Next, we tell you which are the fruits with a low glycemic index.

The best fruits with low glycemic index

The lower the glycemic index, the slower your blood sugar will rise , which can help your body better handle post-meal swings. Most whole fruits have low to moderate GI levels. Many fruits are also packed with antioxidants, micronutrients, and fiber. Here are some low-glycemic fruits that diabetics can eat without worrying about a sudden spike in blood sugar levels after consumption:


Cherries are high in potassium and full of antioxidants , which provide energy to the immune system. Because cherries cannot always be purchased fresh throughout the year, they can be processed before long-term storage. Cherries increase the production of insulin in cells by 50% .

frutas para diabéticos


They are a good source of fiber and provide 20% of our daily recommended fiber intake . Pears can be enjoyed as fresh fruit or nicely baked. Another option is to include them in salads to give it a sweet touch.


They are good sources of vitamin C, folic acid, and potassium . They also contain high levels of healthy fiber , so it takes longer to break down and digest. This allows for the slow release of sugar into the bloodstream , which would further ensure that blood glucose levels remain stable over a long period of time.


Strawberries are a good source of vitamin C , they help improve immunity, fight against certain types of cancer and improve metabolism, favoring weight loss. Strawberries provide more vitamin C than an orange when taken in the same amount. They are also low glycemic index fruits, so it is slowly released into the bloodstream as glucose .


Grapefruit is a citrus based fruit with a glycemic index of 25 and they are packed with a variety of vitamins and minerals. They can be taken as whole fruit or in juice. It is a very good source of vitamin A and C, so it helps improve immunity, maintain healthy heart function, and is good for digestion .


It is a very healthy food option for diabetics as it can be easily eaten as a snack without fear of a sudden spike in blood sugar levels. It is a very good source of fiber that helps relieve constipation, a very common problem for many diabetics . Consuming this fruit regularly can easily reduce the chance of developing type II diabetes.


It is a good source of potassium. Foods high in potassium improve the function of vital organs such as the heart and kidneys .

People with diabetes easily notice that their uric acid levels are higher. This can be prevented by including watermelon in your diet, which improves kidney function and lowers uric acid levels . Watermelons are also a good source of lycopene which prevents nerve damage, another common complaint of people with diabetes.


It is a great fruit for diabetics, as it is available all year round and can be incorporated into the diet very easily. Papayas are packed with nutrients and antioxidants that, when consumed, reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, lower blood pressure, and also support good digestion . Papaya is also a good source of fiber and helps lower blood glucose levels and control diabetes.

frutas con bajo índice glucémico


They are a good choice of fruit for diabetes as they help lower blood sugar levels easily . They exist in different varieties and you can eat them between meals, as snacks, or include them in different dishes. Grapes are a rich source of a phytochemical called resveratrol that controls how the body secretes and uses insulin in response to blood glucose levels.


Adding a serving of avocado to your diet can help you lose weight, lower cholesterol, and increase insulin sensitivity . Avocados are low in carbohydrates, which means they have little effect on blood sugar levels. One half of a small avocado contains about 5.9 grams of carbohydrates and 4.6 grams of fiber. They’re also packed with healthy fats , so they keep you feeling full for longer, promoting weight loss and increasing insulin sensitivity.


Many researchers have shown that including kiwifruit in the diet helps lower blood sugar levels. Kiwifruit are loaded with vitamin A, C, E, and fiber , making them a low-glycemic index fruit. It also helps relieve the insomnia that many people with diabetes complain of due to the anxiety of long-term diabetes.