Losing 10 kilos easily is possible with these tips

Summer is coming, the time when we most want to lose those kilos that we do not like. If you are tired of trying diets that seem eternal and you end up giving up because you do not see results, if you no longer want to make superhuman sacrifices to lose just a couple of kilos, you are in the right place. We will give you some tips to lose 10 kilos in a simple and fast way .

These simple tips will help you lose up to 10 kilos in a period of approximately two months. Miracle diets do not exist and some are so aggressive that they can be harmful to our body. So be patient because two months is actually a very short time.

Lose 10 kilos easily

Cómo perder peso

Change your diet

Reduce the amount of calories you consume per day

To lose weight, you must first eliminate some calories from the diet . In this first point you have to be reasonable and responsible. We cannot eliminate a large amount of calories from our diet overnight because we would put our health at risk. The ideal is to reduce about 500 calories a day to lose about 1kg a week.

To keep track of the calories you consume per day, use a mobile application or sign up for it somewhere. By doing this, you may detect some expendable food that already contains that amount of calories: snacks, pastries, frozen pizza, carbonated drinks … You can change these products for healthier ones and thus you will not only lose weight, you will also improve your diet.

Decrease carbohydrate intake

There are many studies that show that a low carbohydrate diet helps you lose weight . The ideal is to reduce foods that are rich in carbohydrates and replace them with others that provide the same nutrients. Limit your consumption of bread, rice, pasta, cookies, tortillas, sugary fruits, and starchy vegetables.

Limiting does not mean eliminating, you can continue eating this type of food if you do not exceed the amounts.

Your allies: fruit, vegetables and lean protein

Fruits and vegetables are low in calories but high in nutrients , which will help you lose weight without putting your health at risk. You can also include 85 to 115 grams of protein in your diet at each meal. Try eggs, poultry, lean beef, pork, seafood, tofu, or low-fat dairy. Accompany this protein with vegetables and for dessert take fruit low in sugar, such as apple, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries or blueberries.

La fruta es una gran aliada para perder peso

Avoid sodas and drink water

Many studies have shown that carbonated beverages influence weight gain , in addition to causing bloating and gas. Change these types of drinks for water , which is much healthier.

When we talk about carbonated drinks we mean soft drinks. You can have a soda from time to time, but not on a regular basis if you want to lose weight and eat a healthier diet.

Sports practice

Changing your diet will not be enough. If you want to lose weight and have a healthy body, you will have to play sports regularly .

Do cardio exercises

Cardiovascular exercises are the best for weight loss. For starters, try to get 150 minutes of cardio a week into your routine. If running or biking doesn’t appeal to you, many gyms offer directed classes that can be a lot of fun. Try aerobics, body combat, steps, zumba … Classes usually last about 50 minutes, if you go to three classes a week you will already have your 150 minutes per week.

Haz ejercicio para perder peso

Move more during the day

We tend to seek comfort in our routine. We take the elevator, we use the escalators, we go by public transport or car to all the places… Try to make small changes in your routine. Use the stairs whenever you can, walk to work if possible, or try to reduce the use of the car or public transport. If you can, take the bicycle to move around the city . These small changes can help you lose weight and get fitter.

Rest well

It may seem strange, but getting a good night’s sleep causes more fat to be lost . It is best to sleep between 7 or 8 hours a day . The key is that when sleep is restricted, ghrelin levels rise. This hormone stimulates hunger, reduces energy expenditure and retains fat.

Our body does not only need to sleep, it needs to rest. Make sure the room temperature is right and that both your pillow and mattress are comfortable.

Control your weight loss

Consult with your doctor or nutritionist any questions you have. In fact, it is recommended that you go to a professional every time you want to lose weight or want to make very noticeable changes in your diet.

  • Your doctor or nutritionist will tell you how many kilos you need to lose to be within a healthy range.
  • If you have trouble losing weight, tell your doctor. They will likely run some tests on you.
  • Any diet is best supervised by a professional. He will know how to detect if that diet is suitable for you or if there may be a lack of nutrients.
  • There are no miracle diets. It will take you about two months to lose 10 kilos. It may seem like a lot, but it is neither advisable nor healthy to lose that amount is less time. Have a little patience, two months is not that long.

When you have lost the kilos that you had proposed, try to maintain that weight. Many people, once they have reached the weight they wanted, begin to add the foods they had eliminated from their diet again or increase the amounts a little again. It is just then that the well-known rebound effect occurs.

Most of the time, to lose weight or maintain it, you just have to have some basic notions of food and take care of it. A healthy and balanced diet in which fried and saturated fat are avoided can be the key to having the ideal weight and having good health. You also have to control the quantities , of course. It is useless to eat fruit, vegetables and chicken if it is done in large quantities. And finally, practicing sports on a regular basis is essential .