Learn how to use a food processor to cook faster

Whether it's fresh hummus or tasty marinades, food processors are a handy kitchen appliance that can whip up all kinds of dishes in no time. However, novices facing a food processor shouldn't be intimidated by this device's awkward appearance, as they can be easy and save you time, once you know how to use them properly.

What is the food processor used for?

In short, this accessory is essentially a gadget that lets you chop, puree, mash, or slice food super fast. Processors help speed up the cooking process, allowing you to skip long meal preparation times.

frutas en un procesador de alimentos

Most food processing devices generally come with plug and socket connection pieces that can be used for any of several different food preparation methods, such as chopping vegetables and grating cheese. These same parts can be hand washed or placed inside the dishwasher for complete cleaning.

How to use it?

  • Locks the bowl in place – The bowl must fit in a specific way at the base and be able to rotate and lock in place.
  • Select the Blade – Food processors have different blades, so you'll need to decide whether you want to chop, slice, shred, or julienne. Once you choose the blade, place it in the bowl. There should be a circle in the center of the bowl where half of the blade fits like a puzzle piece.
  • Fill the bowl : Depending on what you're preparing, this step may be optional. If you are cutting a bunch of beans to make hummus, for example, you will add the food now. However, if you are going to julienne a bunch of carrots, you can skip this step.
  • Close the lid : make sure to close the lid properly and lock it in place. The machine will not start if all the locking mechanisms are not properly aligned and locked.
  • Turn on : Turn on the food processor. There may be a "pulse" option where you control when the blades move and for how long or you can simply turn it on and it will cut continuously until you turn it off.
  • Use the feeding tube : If you are going to eat julienne carrots, you will add the food to the container through the feeding tube. Many special blades require you to add food to the bowl using this tube. There is a plastic pusher to help push food out if necessary. For other foods, like a bean sauce, you may want to add liquid, such as oil, while the processor is running. The feeding tube would also be used for this.
  • Turn off : You may want to periodically turn off the food processor, open the lid and add more ingredients, or use a spatula to clean the sides and re-feed the ingredients together. Once finished, you can turn off the processor, remove the lid, unlock the bowl, carefully remove the blade, and pour the contents into a regular mixing bowl or container.

batido de verduras hecho con un procesador de alimentos

Food processor can help you get more vegetables

Vegetables are one of the best food ingredients used indoors as a food processor, as the appliance blades work quickly to cut and chop everything from red bell peppers to chives. Here are some ideas for using your processor on vegetables:

  • Grate carrots and celery to add to soups
  • Grind the chickpeas to make hummus
  • Chop onion and garlic to add to homemade marinara sauce
  • Chop the parsley and celery to mix them with the green salads and give it a crispy touch

How are food processors and blenders different?

It is easy to confuse food processors with mixers, as they both look alike.

However, they are two very different devices that are used for completely different purposes, with food processors being the most versatile tool in the long run.

Blenders are generally used for liquid-based creations like smoothies, soups, or purees . Food processors are used to finely chop harder products, such as vegetables or nuts, and to make consistent sauces. Food processors are a little more versatile, but it depends on what you're looking to do. You really can't make a smoothie in a food processor.

The blender and food processor blades also work differently. A blender uses a motion that pushes the food toward the blade and creates a creamy substance if it is mixed long enough. Instead, the food processor purees the food in a circular motion (it does not pull the food toward the blade), so this creates more chopped or pureed substance.

Is it worth buying one?

Whether you're becoming a novice chef or a master restaurateur, food processors are a great investment, making many recipes more convenient and a gateway to healthier eating.

People tend to eat healthier when they have food processors. The difference in taste and nutritional value between a homemade dressing and a store-bought dressing, for example, can be really important.

And since these appliances vary in a variety of different prices, they can be an inexpensive way to help you create delicious meals at home instead of choosing to carry all the time.

What can I use instead of a food processor?

If you don't have a processor on hand, the following tools can help you achieve similar results:

  • A manual grater for chopping
  • A chopping knife
  • A mandolin for slicing

Bakers who use food processors can also turn to a mixer to make dough, mix cake batter, and make meringues. And yes, a blender can perform some of the tasks of a food processor, such as mashing, juicing, and grinding, but you don't want to use one instead of a processor for certain foods like sauces, as the texture won't be as consistent.