3 key exercises to activate your gluteal muscles

The well-formed buttocks not only mean an essential part for the aesthetics of your body. It is also essential for the health of the back and hips. The lack of activation of the gluteal muscles can cause an excess of lumbar curvature with pain in sciatica. That is why gluteal amnesia should be avoided through its activation with exercises focused on the hips.

Knowing what causes gluteal amnesia can be the first step to prevent it; In addition, identifying the 3 essential exercises that activate them can be a great start to achieving a well-shaped glute.

Find out what exactly is glute amnesia and what 3 exercises can help you prevent it.

What is gluteal amnesia?

Buttock amnesia is the inhibition or delay in the activation of the buttocks due to their inactivity due to sitting for a long time or not doing any work for this area. Thus the buttocks become weak and lose muscle mass until it is inactive or asleep.

Amnesia of the nuclei affects the performance and development of the lower body and can be the cause of knee injuries and back pain.

How to activate the glutes?

There are several exercises to activate the gluteal muscles, let’s see the most effective:

1. Knee Squats

To perform this exercise you must kneel on the floor with a barbell on your back. You can use a knee pad if you experience any injury or discomfort when kneeling. Then you sit back until you can sit on your calves.

Sentadillas de rodillas

2. Knee squats with bands

The structure of this exercise is the same as the previous one. You should kneel on the floor, but this time with an elastic band around the hip, which will act as a hip pusher. With your back straight you should look again to sit on your calves.

Sentadilla de rodilla con bandas

3. Rolling with kettlebells

The secret of this exercise is in the position that is adopted when lifting the weight, not in the weight of it. Until the lifting technique is mastered, the weight should not be increased as it may cause injury.

The exercise begins with the dumbbell on the floor and ends in the same way. The legs should be at shoulder height (width greater than the hips).

As if it were a pendulum, the weight is held with the legs bent, the chest erect and the back straight. The weight is dragged towards the inside of the legs and with it is raised towards the shoulders. When the weight is up, the shoulders, hips, and knees should be aligned. This swing is repeated several times and ends with the weight on the floor.

kettlebell swing

What are the advantages of activating the buttocks?

When the glutes are activated with the exercises of kneeling squats, squats with knees with bands and rocking with kettlebells, we also activate ankle, knees and hips together. Limiting these movements to the hip joint allows better activation of the gluteal muscles.

The main benefits you will get are:

  • Get the best sports performance.
  • Achieve a firmer posture.
  • Less back, knee and hip pain.
  • Greater physical attraction.

So start practicing these 3 exercises to activate your gluteal muscles now.


  • Marker, C. Ladies: 3 Gym-Friendly Exercises to Develop Your Glutes. For breakingmuscle.com. [Revised December 2015]