12 foods you should eat to stay healthy in winter

It is the winter season. Sneezing and allergies, and also from hand sanitizer. It is this time of year, again, where the risk of dealing with a nasty illness increases, when the days get shorter and the air gets colder. The good news is that you can count on certain foods to help keep your immune system in shape and fight any nasty viruses that come along.

Changing things is key, however. Eating many different types of food is important if you want to get all the vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients that various fruits, vegetables, and proteins offer. Therefore, you must choose these 10 foods to stay healthy in winter .Alimentos que te mantendrán saludable en invierno

12 foods to stay healthy in winter

1. Yogurt, kambucha and kimchi

While more studies continue to emerge, the best recommendation currently seems to be to aim for at least one serving of fermented foods per day, as they offer the greatest variety of good bacteria. Therefore, to stay healthy in winter through your diet, try yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi or other pickled foods daily.

According to a study published in The British Journal of Nutrition , probiotics may work to relieve cold symptoms faster. When the researchers gave nearly 200 college students a probiotic supplement or a placebo for 12 weeks, they found that the students who took the probiotics dealt with the symptoms of a stuffy nose or sore throat for a shorter period of time.Alimentos para mantenerte saludable en invierno

2. Egg yolks, salmon and milk

Most of us don’t get enough vitamin D, and that’s a big problem.

This vitamin helps your bones grow, strengthens your muscles and keeps your penis healthy. Another plus? The study suggests that getting enough can reduce the risk of respiratory infections , a common culprit behind a runny nose, fever and sore throat.

The best way to get enough vitamin D is by exposing your skin to the sun, but that’s not exactly easy when the days are shorter, which is what happens in winter. So while it’s difficult to get enough vitamin D from diet alone , you can still find it in foods like egg yolks, fortified milk, orange juice, and fatty fish like salmon and yogurt.Alimentos para mantenerte saludable en invierno

3. Cocoa powder, pomegranates and ginger

Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants known for the ability to fight cell damage. They are abundant in many common foods such as cocoa powder, dried herbs, and dark berries such as blueberries and pomegranates.

One analysis found that the polyphenols in cocoa can have a positive impact on T cells, helping to keep the immune system working properly. On the other hand, ginger boosts the body’s natural defenses against disease by activating T cells, which are capable of destroying cells that have been infected.Qué alimentos son saludables para no enfermar en invierno

4. Orange, strawberries and peppers

Obviously, oranges are a great source of vitamin C, but other citrus fruits like kiwi and grapefruit are also great for keeping you healthy in winter . In this category, strawberries, peppers and spinach fall at the same time.

Various studies show that while vitamin C may not be powerful enough to completely prevent the common cold, it can certainly help fight infection and reduce the duration of symptoms when taken in higher doses. It is recommended to obtain a minimum of 90 mg and no more than 2000 mg of vitamin C per day.Mejores cítricos para mantenerte saludable en invierno


  • Mohr, C. 15 Foods You Should Eat to Stay Heat and All Winter. For Biclycling [Revised January 2018]