Journey to Agartha: the legend that fascinated the Nazis

Adolf Hitler’s obsession with the occult is world famous. He always tried, in his years as the highest authority of the Third Reich, to find legendary relics to which to entrust the fate of what, supposedly, would be the Reich of a thousand years. Thus, Hitler became obsessed with the search for objects such as the Holy Grail or the Ark of the Covenant, but also with places impossible to find. There were places associated with the Nazi occult and from which Hitler and his followers believed the “magnificent” Aryan race came from. Thus, we embarked on a journey to Agartha, Atlantis or Hyperborea.

Journey to Agartha: the place the Aryans came from

Agartha, also called Agharti or Agarta, is a place that, according to followers of esotericism and believers of the famous Hollow Earth, is located under the Gobi desert. But, let us start at the beginning. The Hollow Earth is, for many, a theory that says that, in the innermost layers of our planet, there are no volcanic rocks or magma, but people; thus, there would be super-developed civilizations inside the earth’s subsoil. On the other hand, the Gobi desert (which really exists), is a vast area that lies between northern China and southern Mongolia. Despite incessant efforts to find Agartha or validate the theory of its existence, there is simply no evidence that a trip to Agartha is possible.

The origin of the myth

Agartha is a myth, as is Atlantis or El Dorado. However, it is not as popular as these two cities that we mentioned and that have been sought by many people throughout history. How many have not perished trying to find the civilization that a cataclysm made disappear? How many have not tried to search Plato’s writings for clues about a land that no one has ever seen? The same happens with El Dorado, a city made entirely of gold and that treasure hunters from all over the world tried to find, without success.

Si quieres iniciar tu viaje a Agartha, empieza por el desierto de Gobi

But where does the belief in this “fantastic land” come from, which the Nazis called home? Well, the Nazis believed that the Aryan race came from elsewhere. Come on, they believed themselves superior and that superiority was not a coincidence. According to the most radical Nazis, the Aryans came from elsewhere. Although it is not known very well where they wanted to belong, some said that Atlantis or Agartha, to name a few examples, but, in reality, there was a long string of mythological cities from which they claimed to come. The myth of Agartha gained special importance in the 1950s thanks to the Italian Amadeo Giannini, however, a forerunner of this land was Jules Verne. Probably in his famous work, Journey to the Center of the Earth, from 1864.

But, it is possible that the myth of Agartha appeared long before Jules Verne, specifically, in 1665. This would be thanks to the work of Athanasius Kircher, Mundus subterraneus, quo universae denique naturae divitiae. Around 1692, Sir Edmund Halley published the theory of the existence of a hollow earth. But this was not random. Halley formulated his theory after working with Isaac Newton on the Earth’s magnetism. In fact, Newton, Kepler or Boyle (reputed scientists), supported Halley’s theory. According to him, there were, at the center of the earth, three concentric cones with a lava center that, for them, was a sun.

What would a trip through Agartha be like?

The most curious thing is that Agartha is not a myth. It is not just a city but it even houses several continents and cities within it. According to Madame Blavatsky, a Russian writer and occultist, a journey through Agartha is to immerse yourself in a new world. For her, Agartha is made up of continents, oceans, mountains and even rivers. The main city of Agartha would be Shambhala; and there would be about a hundred underground colonies very close to the surface. These cities are known, in popular culture, as Red Agartha. A surprise! Taking into account that the Russians were enemies of the Nazis and Hitler believing the theories of a Ukrainian writer.

The natives of this Agartha Network would have a very spiritual life based on the teachings of Melchizedek. Don’t you know who this character is? For it appears in the Book of Genesis as King of Salem, who blessed the biblical Abraham. According to this Ukrainian writer, each city of Agartha would have around a million inhabitants, except for Telos, located on Mount Shasta; this city would reach a million and a half inhabitants.

On your trip to Agartha you could find inhabitants of different races (within these, the Aryan). In turn, the inhabitants of Agartha come (according to these theories, of course), from the Gondwana continent which, curiously, has already disappeared. On the other hand we would meet the people that Brad Steiger describes in his book The hole in the Earth, myth or reality. According to this author, there was an ancient race, the oldest, who were highly intelligent and scientifically advanced. This race would have populated our planet millions of years ago, but, it would have moved to the deepest layers of the Earth. Here, this race would have decided to establish their civilization.

El mito nació antes de Julio Verne

The race described by Steiger would be made up of incredibly intelligent and long-lived hominids, predecessors of homo sapiens and with an age of more than a million years (compared to sapiens). The oldest would be a tribe that remains in the deepest strata of our planet, far from the surface, but that, from time to time, decide to visit the Earth that we know today to make contributions.

If you think you’ve heard enough, we tell you that the inhabitants of Agartha live around 400 and 800 years and, in addition, they are about four meters high, approximately. And, of course, they can communicate by telepathy and have ultra-developed technology.

Boarding for Agartha

The funny thing about the trip to Agartha is the way to do it. If you like fantasy and science fiction books, you will know that mythological places are reached through unconventional places. To reach the center of the Earth, according to Jules Verne, it would be necessary to do it through a volcano in Iceland; well, and to get to Hogwarts (although not mythological, but fiction), it was enough to get to King’s Cross in London , and cross platform 9 and 3/4. For Agartha it is more complicated than this.

According to the same Russian writer, the trip to this mysterious continent can be done in several ways. To access you could do it through the Amazon jungle, but you would find quite aggressive natives; You could also access from Siberia, in Russia or through the Gobi desert. The Andes mountain range would also be an entrance to Agartha, but not any part of the mountain range, but between Argentina and Chile; or by the Himalayan mountain range, but more specifically in Tibet. Within the strangest doors of Agartha we find the legs of the Sphinx of Egypt or the Caves of the Tayos, in Ecuador.

The Nazi Search for Agartha

Adolf Hitler will be remembered, forever and ever, as one of the greatest criminals in human history. Besides, of course, being a lousy painter and a man with a peculiar mustache. But, also for being a fanatic who believed everything they told him. And it is that he believed so many things that, in fact, he started a raid through Spain to find the Holy Grail; specifically, his troops went to the Monserrat Monastery in search of him.

For this was not the only “mythological” raid the Führer ordered. In 1938, Hitler sent a Nazi expedition to Tibet, under the orders of Ernst Schäfer. The expedition consisted of twenty Schutzstaffel or SS soldiers, five German sages, and the ideologue and esotericist Frederick Hilscher. Hilscher, curiously, was the person in charge of a society that was in charge of studying the science of the spirit or inheritance of the ancestors, called Ahnenerbe. The objective of this mission was for the Nazis to establish contact with the inhabitants of Agartha. We do not know whether or not the Nazis found the entrance to Agartha (we believe not); But the result of his mission led a commune of Tibetan monks to settle in Berlin and even defend it during the Red Army attack in 1945.