What is the technique for squatting on the multipower?

Multipower squats are a type of practical exercise that can help you exercise your legs and glutes, and improve your endurance . In this sense, this type of squat with extra weight can help you exercise large muscle groups and reduce the risk of falls.

However, due to the characteristics of the exercise, you should study the techniques to lift weights and squat safely . In addition, you must maintain a proper body posture to improve your balance, avoid unnecessary tension in the muscles and distribute the load correctly. Know what is the technique to do squats in the multipower !

¿Cómo hacer sentadillas con la máquina Smitk?

What is the multipower ?

The multipower , also known as the Smith machine, is a weight training machine that allows you to exercise your entire body in a practical way . In this sense, you can train different muscle groups and vary the weight of the bar while you lean on the support of the machine.

In this way, the multipower is usually recommended for people who are starting their upper and lower body workouts . Similarly, depending on the machine type, you can do various exercises such as military presses, bench presses and squats multipower.

In this sense, thanks to the guided path of the bar, it is one of the safest alternatives to avoid involuntary movements when lifting heavy weights . In addition, this machine can help you maintain balance when training and avoid possible falls.

Advantages of doing multipower squats

The multipower is a practical machine that can help you exercise and maintain your balance when lifting weights . Consequently, multipower squats can help you improve your overall strength and safely tone your body.

  • They help you exercise with heavy weights without needing help from other people to keep your balance.
  • You can activate different muscle chains when doing multipower squats.
  • Thanks to their movement guides and rigid support, they help prevent possible injuries from falls or sudden movements .
  • They help you improve your training techniques by facilitating movements with the bar.
  • They are ideal for people who are beginning to exercise with weight or want to improve their training techniques .
  • They can help improve athletic performance by exercising the body comprehensively.
  • Depending on the type of machine purchased, they can help you do other exercises such as pull-ups .

Disadvantages of doing multipower squats

Squatting on the multipower can affect your stability and performance when lifting without this machine . Therefore, you should complement these squats with free weight exercises and consult with specialists to avoid possible adverse effects of the multipower .

  • The multipower can cause discomfort for some people by limiting their movements .
  • If not performed correctly, these squats can lead to spinal and knee injuries .
  • They can affect the motor skills of the body when lifting the bar with weight , since you can get used to the support of the multipower .
  • They can generate imbalances in the musculoskeletal system that weaken muscle attachments and affect the stability of the body when training.
Ventajas y desventajas de hacer sentadillas multipower

How to do multipower squats safely?

Multipower squats can be done in different ways to target specific muscle groups and improve coordination of movements when lifting weights . However, it is recommended to consult with specialists about the correct way to do these exercises to avoid possible injuries.

Previous training

Before doing multipower squats it is important that you prepare in advance to avoid possible discomfort and injury when lifting weights. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not perform these squats until you have mastered the traditional ones with your body weight .

Similarly, to improve your endurance and adapt to the extra weight, you can practice with dumbbells and kettlebells. Additionally, light barbell training is recommended to practice the movements and improve lifting technique and flexibility .

Likewise, before training, you should do warm-up and stretching exercises so that your muscles better adapt to the level of demand . Consequently, these pre-exercises can help you improve your mobility and flexibility when lifting on the multipower .

Adaptation of the multipower or Smith machine

When doing squats in the multipower you must prepare this machine in advance to guarantee your comfort and safety when exercising . Therefore, you should make sure that the bar only slides vertically and that there is no possibility of it separating from the frame.

Similarly, it is advisable to adjust the bar at the height of the clavicle to avoid modifying your body posture when starting the exercise . Likewise, it is important to place a safety block or stop to protect yourself in case you cannot lift the bar when doing multipower squats.

Consequently, preparing the weight training machine in advance and knowing your limits can ensure your safety when training and enhance your experience . In addition, it is advisable to start these exercises with little weight and progressively increase it according to your load capacity.

Adapting the bar before lifting it

Correctly grasping the bar when doing multipower squats can help you improve your stability and safety when exercising. Therefore, it is advisable to experiment with different ways of holding the bar without affecting your posture or making you uncomfortable .

Similarly, depending on the type of multipower squat you want to do, you should rest the bar on the fleshy parts of the chest or shoulders . Also, to improve your comfort and protect your bones, you can use padded bar protectors.

Also, to maintain balance, it is important that your feet are located in front of the bar and are the same distance as your shoulders . On the other hand, you should keep your back straight at all times to avoid unnecessary muscle tension and improve your stability.

Front squat

In this type of multipower squat you must place your elbows forward and separate them at the same distance from your shoulders. In this sense, you should support the bar on the upper part of your chest and grasp it by its upper end with the palm of your hands .

Back squat

Slightly bend your elbows to your sides, towards the ground, and place your hands at the height of your shoulders. In this sense, you should support the bar on the upper part of your back and catch it with the fingers of your hands forward .

Steps to do multipower squats

To do multipower squats, due to the extra weight, you will need a greater effort relative to traditional squats . Therefore, you will need more preparation to do this type of exercise.

  • After standing under the bar and catching it properly with your back straight, slowly bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground . In this way, you should lean your back slightly forward to balance your body.
  • Hold the previous position for a few seconds resting your heels on the floor and inhale slowly. Likewise, you must maintain tension in the muscles of your legs and buttocks, and avoid that your hips come too close to the ground.
  • Slowly extend your knees and repeat from the initial step . When lifting the weight you must keep your back straight and exhale slowly.

Most common mistakes to avoid when doing multipower squats

To obtain satisfactory results when doing this type of squat you must maintain an adequate body posture to balance yourself . In addition, it is important that you hold the bar well and previously adapt the multipower to avoid possible injuries.

Inexperience in this type of exercise

Multipower squats can cause considerable injury if not done correctly. In this sense, if you are a beginner, it is recommended that you consult with coaches so that you know the best techniques and the maximum weight you can lift.

Body posture

Multipower squats can significantly affect the knee ligament, so it is important to assess your body posture to distribute the load. In this way, you should keep your back straight, your gaze forward, your shoulders back, and your knees should be in line with your feet .

Support the bar on the spine or bones

When doing this type of exercise, you should not rest the bar on your spine or bones, as this can cause discomfort and injure you . Therefore, it is recommended to support it on the fleshy upper part of the back or chest and use padded protectors.

Not putting your feet on the ground well

In multipower squats it is necessary that the heels and toes are properly supported on the floor to distribute the load . Additionally, this can help you improve your balance when training and avoid potential injury.

Likewise, you should support your feet a few inches in front of the bar to improve your mobility and performance . Therefore, unlike squats with free weights, your feet should not be supported exactly under the bar.

Recomendaciones para hacer sentadillas con la máquina Smith


Multipower squats are one of the best alternatives if you want to lift more weight or are a beginner . However, to avoid accustoming the muscles to these limited movements, it is recommended to alternate free weight squats with multipower squats .

Likewise, it is important that you keep your back straight and your heels flat on the ground, and that you put pressure on your core and shoulders . Also, it is recommended that you inhale slowly when bending your knees and exhale when extending them again.