What happens when you stop drinking caffeine?

Many people love to drink coffee, as it has several benefits in our organism and body, including improving memory function and keeping us in a state of alert thanks to its stimulating effect.

However, the caffeine found in coffee can lead us to dependence without realizing it, so it is possible that at some point we want to restrict its consumption.

Find out what will happen to your body as soon as you stop drinking coffee and what would be the benefits derived from abandoning this drink.

5 things that happen when we stop drinking coffee

efectos secundario de la cafeína

1. You will feel very bad, but it will be momentary

Many people become addicted to coffee, which is why when they stop drinking they experience caffeine withdrawal symptoms, these include:

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Strong mood swings

These symptoms are not the same for everyone, but you should be aware that excess caffeine can harm your health.

2. You will lose weight

Most people do not realize how many calories they consume along with beverages that contain caffeine . A regular coffee with cream and sugar can have up to 200 calories per serving. So more than a couple of coffees a day may be enough to make you gain weight. For this reason, when you stop consuming caffeine, you will begin to notice a considerable weight loss.

efectos de dejar el café

3. You will sleep more and have more energy

If you drink caffeine even about 6 hours before going to bed, it can disturb your sleep. Over time you will only make your body feel more tired and not have enough energy to do all the activities you would like. Therefore, once you stop consuming caffeine, you will be able to sleep better and have more energy to face the day.

4. You will feel calmer

Caffeine triggers a release of adrenaline , which makes you more awake in “fight or flight” mode. In addition, caffeine raises blood pressure. If you stop taking large amounts, you will feel calmer and more relaxed.

Cantidad de calorías del café

5. Your abdomen will be happier

Caffeine speeds up your digestive system, but you should also consider that coffee is very acidic, so it can cause stomach pains. Therefore, as soon as you leave it, it is possible that at the same time those stomach discomforts that usually accompany you after having a cup of coffee will also be reduced.


  • Erin Foley, This Is What Happens When You Quit Caffeine. For Bodyrock [Revised December 2015]