The new non-vegetarian supplement to incorporate into your Smoothies

Smoothies are drinks that allow the incorporation of an incredible and immense amount of ingredients, flavors and textures that make them a very popular choice when supplementing the diet. For non-vegetarian athletes, it is common to create smoothies from cow’s milk, yogurt, and so on.

Today, another ingredient that you can easily add is bone broth protein. This non-vegetarian ingredient is gaining popularity as a clean source of protein and essential amino acids. In addition, its almost zero flavor makes its combination possibilities wide.

Before deciding to add bone broth protein to your smoothies , you should know certain aspects and considerations about this innovative supplement.

Agregar proteína a smoothies con polvo de caldo de hueso

Nutritional Profile of Bone Broth Protein

The nutrients provided by this new non-vegetarian ingredient can vary depending on many factors such as which animal they come from, the animal’s diet, and so on. However, 10 g of powdered bone broth contains the following nutrients:

  • Calories : 40
  • Protein : 9 g
  • Collagen : 9 g
  • Minerals : 90 mg of Sodium, 160 mg of Potassium, 267 mg of Chondroitin Sulfate and 50 mg Hyaluronic acid

Bone broth protein powder is considered by many as another alternative to the well-known vegetable protein powders , only with an extra collagen, a very useful protein for the health of bones, tendons, muscles, and skin. , nails and hair.

Complementar smoothies con proteína de caldo de hueso

What is the taste of bone broth protein?

The bone broth powder does not add any flavor to your non-vegetarian s moothies, whether it comes from chicken or beef. This supplement is usually combined with powdered chocolate drinks, powders based on vanilla, cinnamon or cloves.

Its zero contribution to flavor makes it an easily combined supplement with sweet or salty dishes or drinks, and it may be that touch of protein that could be missing in any of your preparations.

La harina de hueso no afecta el sabor del smoothie

Advantages and disadvantages of bone broth protein

1. Advantages of bone broth powder

  • The considerable protein intake that bone broth provides can keep you fuller for longer.
  • Different studies indicate that it can improve digestion and the immune system.
  • It is recommended for people with mental disorders or conditions.
  • It is used as an ingredient in many paleo recipes.

2. Disadvantages of bone broth powder

  • It is not the ideal supplement for those who have to cut back on sodium in their diets due to cardiovascular or kidney disease.
  • It has a slight risk of being contaminated with lead, although this contamination is usually minimal.
Mejorar dieta con proteína de polvo de caldo de hueso

How To Buy The Best Bone Broth Protein

Bone Broth Protein is simply a nutritional supplement and not a nutritional miracle. There are many other ways to get animal or plant protein, but bone broth protein offers a quick protein-acquiring alternative that you can add to endless recipes thanks to its negligible taste.

Before purchasing this product, find out where it came from and what type of treatment the animal had. You should look for powdered meals from animals that have been naturally fed, without chemicals that are harmful to health.


The next time you make a smoothie, feel free to add some bone broth protein to dramatically boost the amount of protein you need during a day of intense work or training.


  • Newgent, J. The New Non-Vegetarian Smoothie Trend: Should You Try It? For Livestrong [Revised January 2018].