The 4 keys to get your Six Pack

There is no doubt that one of the most coveted and sought-after goals by people who go to gyms is to eliminate that fat that resides in our abdomen and achieve a perfect Six Pack .

In search of those marked and aesthetic abs , many look for routines of famous soccer players or singers thinking that doing a thousand repetitions a day will achieve the same result as them, without knowing the enormous work that is behind those muscles.

At this point, you have to be realistic and forget that “get your abs in 5 minutes”, “routine to achieve your six pack effortlessly” and a long list of “miracle methods” that promise things that are practically impossible to achieve.

In order to have good fat-free abs, you have to take into account basically three major factors that we are going to see below:

  • Feeding.
  • Specific abdominal training.
  • General physical training.

1. Cause a caloric deficit

A basic element to be able to uncover the abs is that of the diet . No matter how many exercises we do, if we do not have a reduced fat percentage, we will not get the abs to show.

In this sense, we can distinguish between caloric surplus and caloric deficit. The caloric surplus occurs when we eat more calories than we expend throughout the day, while the caloric deficit occurs when the number of calories we eat is less than we expend.

Therefore, we must calculate the amount of calories we expend during our day to day, taking into account personal data such as age, height, weight, the type of work we do or the intensity of our workouts.

There are several formulas that will give us an approximate amount of calories we consume, highlighting those of Harris-Benedict and Katch-McArdle .

As it seems logical, to show off defined abs, we need to cause a caloric deficit, correctly distributing the macronutrients and choosing the healthiest foods possible.

Conseguir abdominales sin grasa

2. Do specific abdominal exercises

Another fundamental part is, how could it be otherwise, is to do exercises that work directly to the abdomen.

It is not necessary to do exercises of extreme complexity, with impossible executions and arduous movements, we must bear in mind that the most basic exercises can be the ones that give us the best and most effective results.

We must focus on the abdominal shrugs , exercises that concentrate in an extraordinary way the area of the abdomen that we want to develop, also having a fairly simple execution.

You have to make sure in addition to training the three most important parts of the abdomen, the upper, the lower and the obliques, choosing at least one exercise per zone.

Encogimientos de abdominales tumbado

3. General training of the whole body

Not only should we focus on the specific training of the abdomen, it is also important to train the rest of the body since, in a more indirect way, we will be able to strengthen the abdomen , achieving faster and better results.

The most effective exercises in this regard are chin-ups, push-ups or squats that, during their execution, cause significant tension in the abdomen, stimulating our abs in a way that we could not otherwise achieve.

In addition, it is always advisable to perform a full body workout to obtain a proportional and aesthetic physique , working the legs, shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps and shoulders equally.

We cannot forget about aerobic training either, since it will provide us with enormous benefits both to accelerate the burning of fat and to notably improve our cardiovascular health, being essential to add running sessions, cycling, rowing or any other aerobic exercise.

Entrenamiento aeróbico para lograr abdominales

4. Do you want to know more?

We are clear about the factors that influence to achieve a great Six Pack, but if you want to know in all kinds of details the ideal training to achieve those longed-for abs, you must get the book that is revolutionizing abdominal workouts, No. 1 in sales on Amazon Spain in the Bodybuilding and Bodybuilding category.

In the book ” Wear your Six Pack in 6 weeks ” you will find a specific training with which you can train at home, in the gym or outdoors, as it includes a wide range of exercises that do not require any special equipment.

This book includes:

  • Description of all training exercises.
  • Exercises to perform every day, with their series,
  • Repetitions and rest time,
  • Different routine for each day and week, increasing the intensity over the weeks,
  • Tips and tricks to make workouts more carried out
  • All the necessary motivation to carry it out.

So do not hesitate, if you are tired of trying a multitude of workouts without success, try this new and demanding six-week training plan and get once and for all to wear the Six Pack that you have always wanted.