How to brush my teeth properly?

Brushing our teeth is very important not only to keep our teeth white, but also because having a clean mouth helps us to have fresh breath and good health.

In this way, failing to properly clean our teeth can bring diseases that we could have avoided just by taking the necessary care. Brushing our teeth 3 times a day is not enough because if it is not done in the right way it is useless.

Discover 8 things you can be doing wrong when you brush your teeth.

What 8 things am I doing wrong brushing my teeth?

1. The bristles of your toothbrush are not soft enough

If the bristles on your toothbrush are too hard, they can weaken tooth enamel . The head of the brush must be small to reach each tooth and grind, so that in this way it can carry out a good brushing of our entire mouth. Look for a brush that says “soft” on the packaging.

cepillo de dientes

2. You don’t brush your teeth long enough

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that you brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, while dentists say 4. So the next time you brush your teeth, don’t do it against time, remember that your teeth are just as important as the rest of your body.

3. You don’t brush your teeth before bed

After a long day, all you want is to sleep and rest, however if you do not brush your teeth and you are one of the people who says, “it does not matter, nothing will happen if I do not wash them today” you are totally wrong, since you will be allowing all the bacteria accumulated in your mouth to have 7 to 8 hours to damage your gums , cause cavities , in addition to making it easier for your plaque to harden, which ends up resulting in more tartar production.

hábitos adecuados para el aseo de los dientes

4. You don’t brush your tongue

By not brushing your tongue, you are allowing all the germs and food debris left in your mouth to give you bad breath. The ADA says that brushing the tongue can help against bad breath by 70%. So for the next time remember to brush your tongue well too.

5. You don’t floss

Most people do not like to floss, as it can be a very tedious step when it comes to cleaning our teeth. However, dental floss is an aid that cannot be absent, since it removes hidden food particles that can cause cavities, it can also reach those places that the toothbrush cannot.

cómo cepillar los dientes

6. You don’t change your toothbrush regularly

Toothbrushes store bacteria that remain when we brush our teeth, therefore if you do not change it when appropriate you can cause severe damage to your teeth, even cause some diseases. Make sure to change them when they are very old, worn, or cracked.

7. You use cover holder on your toothbrush

Unless you are traveling, leaving your toothbrush in a closed container will only cause more bacteria to collect . Let it air dry in an upright position.

8. You are using other people’s brushes

This point is one of the most obvious but also the most important. Never share your toothbrush, as it is something purely personal. By sharing your toothbrush, you are also sharing other people’s germs, and your chances of getting an infection will be much higher.


  • Alexa Erickson, 10 Ways You Could Be Brushing Your Teeth Wrong. For Bodyrock [Revised December 2015]